The Truth

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Mal, Evie, Hugo, Jay and Carlos silently sitting on the benches after the incident between them and Auradon kids.
"Hey guys, how's everyone?" Ben arrives to there table to check on them. Noone said anything when Ben spoke. "Hey listen, Forget about it. All right let it go"
"Tomorrow after the Coronation i promised everything will be okay" Ben stands Behind Mal, whom Mal isn't looking okay.

"I have to go" Ben whispers to Mal. "I'll see you guys later" Ben says before he leaves again.
"Listen Evie, I want to talk about Earlier today" Doug goes over to Chat to Evie but Chad tries to tell Doug not too. "Doug" He stands up. Chad and the other Auradon kids.

"it's my fault Doug, I'm so sorry" Evie apologies softly to Doug.
"I'm just" Doug went to go try chat with her aagain but Doug was called by Chad.
"What?" Doug looks at him after being called twice.
"Chad, let him talk to her if he wants too. It's none of your business" Briella stands for both of them. "She's even trying to apologise which is a good thing"
This makes Evie smile a bit for Briella.
But her smile fades off when Doug goes back at the table says he can't talk . This made Evie shuve her tray forward grumpy.
"Hush it, Blue Fairy. It's none of your business of what I'm doing " Chad tells her to be quiet.
Briella rolled her eyes and chuckes a meatball from her food at Chad on his outfit, Making both Doug and Chad suprised.
"It's not always about you, you fool" Briella snarls at Chad, Chad gasped when the meatball was on his shirt.
"You just did something mean! I'm going to tell your grandmother. You know the Blue Fairy lore "

"Go ahead, because i feel like im done pretending to be everything my family wanted me to be just because I'm a this Blue fairy that everyone views as perfect. When in reality i can be a Blue Fairy without being so perfect and for once own my own wishes. So whatever I'm done with the Blue Fairy life and its about time" Briella stands up for herself
"But it's extremely strict to do mean things as a fairy" Jane also said.
"Two words, don't care" Briella says to Jane, started eating her food.
Hugo smiles watching her go like tha,Impressed him actually.
Audrey, Jane go around the villain kid table and start to pick on Mal.
"How long does she think is going to last?" Audrey says right behind Mal.
"Mal just a bad girl infatuation"

"I mean, he's never gonna make a villian a queen" Jane said teasing Mal too.

Briella glares at Jane, not liking her attitude. "Hypocrite much, Jane" Briella said under her breath.
"I'll say" Hugo flashes a red eye glare at the girls.
Audrey and Jane then began to laugh after picking on Mal together.

Mal thinks they pulled the last straw and flips out her spellbook. "Beware for swear, undo Jane's hair"

Mal casts her spell on Jane turning her hair back to normal.
Mal and the villain kids stood up and tells them. "There's alot more where that came from"

Briella is still sitting looking at the argument between Auradon and Villain kids and chooses to remain silent.
"Excuse me, who do you think you are" Audrey stands forward, annoyed with Mal.
"Do i look like I'm kidding" Mal said crossed as hell. They all stood there before Mal flips thru her spellbook to find a spell for them. This makes the Kids at the table run away in fear seeing Mal preparing a spell

Briella was the last one to the leave the table, not really frightened by the spell book but she is leaving. She turns to leave slowly from the table.

Mal turns to Evie, Jay, Hugo and Carlos looking at them. "I'm really looking forward for tomorrow"
Briella overhears from a further distance, not far where she left the table.
"Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand"

This gets Hugo with a smirk, ready for this blow up tomorrow. The five of them walked off to the other side ready what's install for them tomorrow aka the wand.

FIFTH ONE ❤️💀// DISNEY DESCENDANTS Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz