Blue Fairy

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Briella P.o.v

"You have done all good deeds Kelly. So you did your homework, you weren't being mean have you" I asked Kelly.

Kelly excitedly smiled.

"No i haven't blue fairy. I did all the tasks I did for you. To prove my worthy of a great heart" Kelly said with surerance.

I use my power to sense any lie she has told. It took me about few minutes to realize she wasn't lieing. Good

"From all the task of doing your home work, getting straight A's, No violent outrages, No staying up late so you don't go school late, arriving home on time and helping your parents with chores" I retold her list of Good deeds she needs to achieve to prove her good heart to have her wish come true.

"I can tell there's no lie. Well done Kelly. Well done you should be proud of yourself" I smiled, proud of Kelly.

"Yay! Thanks so much Blue Fairy!" She clapped her hands so excitingly.

"You earned it" I told her.

I brang out my magic blue star wand and spelled Kelly her own wish. A wish of her desire.

I turned her hair that sparkles and magiced her room to be as big as a large mansion.

Wow this girl is totally creative.

Her room filled with pink and purple, filled with alot of girly stuff.
Her Bed was a huge princess bed with sparkles and glitter.

Even her table, it's all barbie looking.

Kelly scream and squealing.
"AHHHH! THIS IS SO CUTE" She screamed where it kinda of hurted my ears.

"Yeah you like it" I looked at her.
"Like it?, I literally LOVE IT"

Kelly went to jump and bounce on her new sparkly bed, she laughed in Joy.

Kelly then got off her Bed and ran to me gave me a huge hug.
"Thank you so much, Briella"
"Your amazing, keep doing your Job so well"
"Your welcome Kelly, but anyway enjoy your room i got some other wish achieving to do"

I Said to Kelly before transforming myself into a star and flew off out her room.

I flew across the Sky as i noticed a familar face on the ground. It looked like a guy i did a wish on but now he's doing bad deeds. I need to check this out.

I flew down to the guy and confronted him about it.

"Hello" I appeared right in front of him which spooked him a bit.

He had blonde hair and brown eyes. It seemed like he slap someone on accident.... But he's apologising not on my case!

I looked at him with a look as i walk to him.
"Ms Briella!" He bowed nicely towards me.

I magiced him to come closer to him as i looked him dead in the eye.
"Did you really hit that man by accident"

"Yeah because you see I'm in rush to work and i did apologise , i get you brang me to life because my-y brother wanted another sibling. But now I'm in a business making" He said scared of what i was about to do.

"Yeah but carefully, you must don't rush again to prevent any particular violence. Or your wish could be taken away so easily you know" I gave him a warning.

Blue Fairies like myself never let violence slip its not a good deed.

The guy nodded and continues on his way to work.

I transform into a star again as i head to the castle. The Star castle is where i live.

It's like heaven in the sky. A star shaped castle in a cloud.
It looks so blue and Angelic.
Alot of fairy dust around too.

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