Chat With Parents

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Hugo pov

First class up to date is remedial goodness 101 with the one and only fairy godmother. I am sitting beside Jane and Carlos and the atmosphere is pretty awkward. I can tell individually we have mixed feelings with being at Auradon. Mixed feelings of this is really taking a toll on me. Like do i actually wanna stay and be a photographer because I'm starting to feel like maybe this actually makes me happier then the dream i had to be put under by my dad. I want to go hit a wall with something, like i want to break this table out of frustration to relief some of my tense emotions going inside of me.

Right now what is not helping is I'm waiting for fairy godmother to speak so class can start and sometimes I'm impatient. To past time playing around with the year book camera with its strap i got around my neck

And Never mind, i see her coming towards all five of us.
"Uh, Excuse me kids" She walked towards us. As you know This Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep" FG tells us.

I took that into note since someone has already told me so.
"and because your parents can't be here due to uh distance we arranged for a special treat"

Oh gosh... Don't you dear tell me.. Really... Don't tell me she's gonna turn that large looking computer on. What is doing.
I examine Fairy Godmother actions walking up to the Computer and turning it on. I silently groaned covering my eyes with my hands, annoyed. I am really not in the mood to see my father yet. Not when I'm already having mixed feelings about Auradon and our plan and etc.
I looked at the screen from my chair, as the 4 were called up by fairy godmother to come closer to the screen so they can talk to our villainous parents.
I sight Maleficent face up close from the other side of the screen, she seems hella lost with electronical things.

I stayed in my wooden chair, feeling really unsure if i feel the need to see my dad. Can i like chat to him like this some other time when i don't feel this way about things. Who knows the wrong things that might make him angry and i dont want to piss Dad off.

"Hugo" Fairy Godmother calls me to come up and join them.
"Do I have to- never mind" My mind quickly changes and I jog over to the four who I hear the parents have already figured how to start the computer and began communicating through the screen.

I stood behind Mal and Jay, feeling an unwell feeling of still not wanting be here. I don't know how to even face my dad feeling like this, but since we're celebrating family day earlier then the kids here so i guess i should.

"Oh, you know what they say the poison apple doesnt fall far from the tree" The Evil Queen, recapping that Apple Quote.
I hear the cackle from a Cruella.

"Don't you mean, the weeds" Says Maleficent. Cruella noticed Fairy godmother who was right in front of me and questions who she was. "Who's the old bat?"

"This is Fairy Godmother" Mal introduced her.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants" Maleficent slipped out a joke to Fairy Godmother making the other villains laugh. By other villains, i mean The Evil Queen, Cruella and Jafar. I don't see my father in there yet as i try see where he is in the screen but nowhere to be seen yet. At the moment i felt the mixed feelings i have inside grow more worst, i let out a deep breath looking towards the ground, facing my dark green eyes down to the floor.

Yeah of course, of course. My father always like this yeah don't really care... not that much although it does hurt... Abit. Doesn't want to see my face until i come back what he wants from me. I mean can he at least be grateful that I'm trying my best as his son to get the dream WE apparently wanted.

"I turn a pumpkin into beautiful carriges!" Fairy Godmother stood her ground. Honestly right now I'm just hearing things.
"You all good" Jay asked, noticing me looking sorrow.
I took a small gleam at Jay "Its all good" I said quietly before turning my head back to the screen with the same frown.
"You really couldn't give cinderella to 1AM, I mean really, What the hamsters have to be back on there little wheels" Maleficent made fun of fairy godmother, the Villains around her continue to laugh at her.
This strikes anger in Fairy Godmother.
"There were mice! There were not-They were mice!" Fairy Godmother started to move out the way for the kids to talk to the parents, with Mal thanking fairy godmother for her time.

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