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*Third Person's POV*

"So, basically we're just pretending to surrender while the Speed Freak chokes one of you for your speed?!" Frost pried into. "I'm sorry, but why put the kids in this plan?!" She glared at Cisco and Barry who were watching her dumbfounded. They both set their attention back to the matter right after Frost snapped her fingers. "Hello? Did someone hypnotize you? They've better not taken money for it 'cause I just did magic to bring you back!"

The duo were obviosly trying to stop themselves from laughing but Ralph hugging his toy dolphin did no good.

"I'm sorry... Sorry..." Cisco kept saying while laughing. "Why... Why is Ralph hugging that thing?"

Frost rolled her eyes. "Nora and Dawn were playing with their toy rabbit and hamster. They made their toys superheroes, Ralph got annoyed and started bragging that his toy was much better than theirs. He brought Max the dolphin here and when the girls offended Ralph for being childish worse than them-Which he was, by the way-He got mad and now he's hugging his toy and blabbering that the Allen sisters are just so mean!"

Cisco and Barry glanced at sulking Ralph once more and burst into laughter again. Frost hoped someone would knock sense into them because with this behavior? They were definetly not going to catch the Speed Freak!

The two superheroes finished stopped laughing when Iris came in the room, demanding answer to the same question as Frost. Angry Frost was scary, angry Iris was scary but the two of them together? HORROR. Plus Caitlin who could easily appear from Frost and strangle Barry and Cisco.

"With all seriousness, do you really think we would put the children in danger like that and not make sure they would be protected at all cost?!" Cisco clasped his hands and walked closer to the two women who were clearly waiting for an explanation. "Barry, these women clearly have no faith in us." He turned back to face his friend with serious face.

Barry shook his head and walked next to Cisco. "Listen here, Frost, Vibe and the Elongated Man will guard the kids, Iris and Joe will be in the cortex, and the other Wally and me will distract our enemy while our cloned selves will help you guys here. This plan will work, for sure."

"It better work, or I'll be giving you more damage than that speed obsessed guy!" Frost threatened. Barry and Cisco gulped and nodded, even though they knew their plan would work. The formula that Milton's assistant made, is like a barrier on Barry, Dawn, Nora and Wally. If the Speed Freak tries to take any of their speed, it's over for him.

"I'm hungry!" Dawn announced while walking in the room. She had a big grin on her face and waited expectedly in front of Barry and Frost. "So which one of you are going to take me for lunch? Or should I call mommy?"

Barry and Frost glanced at each other as Dawn smirked. Caitlin would yell non-stop if Dawn pretends the two left her hungry. She did it like that with Ralph and he did not end up in a good state.

"I'll take her." Barry said and Frost nodded. "I was too lazy to do that anyway." Was her response as she sat down on the chair and crossed her arms.

"Let's go, daddy!" Dawn pushed him out. Barry chukled and walked out of the room with his little girl.

"I got orange juice for you!" Barry said while sitting down in front of her at CC Jitters.

"Thank you!" Dawn smiled and took the glass from his hand. "You're a nice guy to take me out for lunch. One time, Ralph was too lazy to take me. I got really mad." She rolled her eyes. Barry chuckled and drank his coffee.

"Look who's here!" A blonde woman smiled while approaching the father-daughter duo. The two of them turned their heads to face Felicity Smoak-Queen.

"Aunt Felicity!" Dawn grinned and hugged the woman. "Dawn!" Felicity beamed and wrapped her arms around the little girl, then she greeted Barry. "Where's Caitlin?"

"Frostie's out, so mommy's sleeping." Dawn answered her question.

"What brings you in Central City?" Barry asked his friend.

"I had to run some errands and William tagged along." She motioned at the young boy talking to his friends not too far away. "Mia's with the Diggles."

"Will you bring her with you when you come next time?" Little Allen asked her with cute puppy eyes. Felicity awed and pinched her cheeks. "I will!" She responded.

"So, Barry, how are you and your love life?" Felicity asked with a smirk while Dawn watched something on her dad's phone. Barry shrugged and gave her a tired expression.

"Honestly? I think I'm doomed for forever lonliness. Iris and I were never an endgame but Caitlin? She definetly feel better without me." He replied.

Felicity smiled sadly. "But you still love her?"

Barry's eyes shot up. "Of course! I never stopped loving her. Even if she left, she was always there in my heart. I'm not pushing my luck, I don't want to ruin what little relationship we have. I doubt she would ever talk to me if it wasn't for Dawn." His gaze faced Felicity's eyes. "She hates me..."

Felicity pinched his arm. "Don't even think about like that, Allen!" Barry rubbed the hurt spot. "She doesn't hate you! I mean, it's impossible! The love that you two had? There's no way to throw it away like that!"

"Yeah, mommy and you have a spark, don't you?" Dawn flashed her eyes. Barry and Felicity stared at her in shock, they forgot that little girl was there. "What? I'm Cisco's personal love advisor! Who do you think helps him get ready for his dates?"

The two adult were too much in surprise to utter a word. "Daddy, you're hopeless." She shook her head in denial. "If uou love mom, you gotta tell her! Me, Frostie and Cisco are tired from waiting when um... What's it called? Boat... Ship! When our ship sails!" She exclaimed.

The duo shook their heads, trying to believe what the girl was saying. Then Felicity burst into laughter and pinched Dawn's nose. "Welcome to the club, little Snow-Allen!"

"I've been in that club from the day I was born!" She responded with a smile.

"You know what? I think we should go back to the lab!" Barry announced and lifted his daughter from the chair. "Bye, Felicity! It was nice to see you!" He waved his hand as the blonde woman did the same with laughter.

"Bye aunt Felicity! Say hi to Mia from me!" Dawn shouted from the door with a grin.

And so the Allens went back in S.T.A.R. labs.

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