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*Third Person's POV*

Dawn and Nora were sitting in their playroom and drawing. Iris made them a popcorn so they were also eating and watching 'Finding Dory' in the ipad. They angered Ralph so he refused to play their babysitter. Instead, they got Cecile and Jenna. But due to Cecile's work, they left for an hour. So, the girls were alone in the playroom.

"Aww, Dory found her family!" Nora cooed. "They're so cute!"

"Yeah..." Dawn agreed, refusing to think about her own family which included mom and aunt and uncle and no dad.

"I wish my parents loved each other like that..." Nora mumbled. Dawn confused, questioned what she meant.

"I know mommy and daddy love me, but they don't love each other." She answered. Dawn gaped at her. If anyone loved each other, it was Barry and Iris. Although, she noticed they weren't as in love as princes and princesses in her favourite movies. "I think they're doing everything for my sake. They always act so lovely around me, but I've seen them alone. They don't love each other."

Snow girl couldn't believe her ears, but Nora's sad face proved everything.

"I don't mind, though. I want them both happy and in love with their favourite persons. Even if it's not each other. They're doing everything for me and I want to do something for them too." She told her truthfully, with tears in her eyes.

Dawn frowned. She touched Nora's arm and asked. "Are you sure, Nor? Maybe you misunderstood."

Said girl shook her head in denial. "They don't have a spark, Dawn."

Dawn mumbled 'Oh'. That made sense. Not having a spark is bad. No spark, no love. Nora was telling the truth. She pulled her best friend in a hug and held her until Nora felt better. She wiped her tears and thanked Dawn.

"You know what we should do?" A smile appeared on Snow's face. Nora stared at her for answer. "We should ask Cisco to take us in Zoo!"

Nora's face lit up. "We love Zoo!" They both grinned and ran in the cortex.

"We wanna go to Zoo!" They both yelled in unison when they saw Cisco.

Cisco shrieked and jumped back. "I'm starting to believe Ralph! Little monsters." He hid behind his desk. "I don't like Zoo, so no!"

Dawn smirked and slowly walked up to him. "Are you sure?" Her uncle saw mischief in her eyes. "Because if you don't take us, then I'll call Gipsy! She will be super mad!"

Cisco groaned loudly. "You're starting to act like Frost!"

Dawn waited. "Fine!" Ramon exclaimed. "Let's go!"

Two girls cheered and went to grab their bags.

"Little monsters." Cisco muttered and went after them.

After coming back from the Zoo, Cisco dropped the girls at Barry and Iris' house. Turns out Iris had a surprise for the girls. Caitlin was there too, watching Dawn and Nora tear the papers and open their gifts. They both squealed and screamed in delight. Iris had made princess gowns for the two of them. Purple for Nora and Peach for Dawn.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" Dawn exclaimed and hugged Iris. The woman smiled at the girl and wrapped her arms back.

"Mommy, this is the best gift!" Nora beamed. "Daddy, look! I'm a princess!"

"Princess Nora looks very beautiful." Caitkin remarked with a warm smile. "But I think something is missing." She frowned slightly. "Iris, aren't these girls missing something?"

Iris glanced at them and nodded. "You're right, Caitlin. I think they're missing their tiaras!"

In an instant, Caitlin brought out two boxes and the girls tore those apart too, finding tiaras matching their gowns.

"Oh my god, oh my god! You guys are the best!" Dawn and Nora hugged Caitlin.

After spinning in their new dresses, Nora turned to her father. "Daddy, you're the only one who had no gift!"

Barry looked offended and protested. "Hey! I wrapped the gifts!"

Caitlin and Iris burst into laughter, young girls following too. "He did a great job." Caitlin nodded with a giggle.

Barry rolled his eyes. "I'm rejoining Cisco's and Ralph's club."

"Good, good." Iris patted his back with laughter.

"Okay, listen to me!" Dawn snapped everyone's attention on her. "I've made my mind! I will be a princess when I grow up! And when I'll be a princess, I'll have a prince, mommy will be a queen and Nora will be princess from neighbouring kingdom!" She grinned proudly.

Caitlin, Barry and Iris stared at the girl for a minute, then laughter filled the room and Caitlin pulled her girl in a hug.

"A queen? That would be an honor!" She grinned while tickling Dawn who giggled.

Rest of the night Dawn spend telling Caitlin tales about her future kingdom and how good she would rule when she would become a queen. Caitlin listened until her kid got tired and then tucked her in bed, reading her some stories.

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