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*Third Person's POV*

The next day Caitlin arrived at the cortex alone. Dawn was with her friend Harriet and her mother who came for a weekend in Central City. As she walked in the room, she saw Cisco and Ralph entangled in a conversation. She greeted them and went towards the med-lab.

"Caitlin!" Both guys walked in her lab, giving her a big smile.

"What is it?" She asked them in confusion.

Cisco and Ralph gave each other looks and turned to Caitlin with the stupid expression.

"You wanna come play laser tag with us?" They asked.

"No," Caitlin replied curtly. "Because, I'm trying to understand why Milton's and Wilbur's DNA's match."

Cisco and Ralph gave her strange looks. "They could be long lost twins." Elongated man voiced. Other two metas facepalmed. "What? There's no other logical explanation!" He protested but Caitlin and Cisco didn't listen, they started discussing logical possibilities. Ralph gave up and left the room, he greeted Barry on the way who immediately walked in the lab with a grin.

"Hey guys!" He greeted. Cisco high-fived him and Caitlin just gave him a small, forced smile. She was still mad about yesterday but didn't want to ramble about it until she knew why Barry didn't came.

Her demeanor didn't go unnoticed by Barry. He gave her a confused look. Of course he could see the slightest change in her behavior. Caitlin shrugged off his look and started telling him about the theories that she and Cisco made about the Speed Freak. Barry listened carefully and occasionally added his thoughts.

After they finished he walked to Caitlin and but before he could say anything her phone rang.

"Yes, Dawn?" She asked as she answered.

That's when realization hit him. Yesterday was Friday. And he told Dawn he would come to her movie night. He didn't. He didn't and Dawn probably waited for him. He blew up everything. And Dawn and Caitlin would definitely be upset. Why does he keep messing things up?

He didn't hear the rest of the conversation. He had to make it up Dawn. He said he would come and he didn't.

Barry dashed out of the room only to come back instantly. He had no idea how to make it up to Dawn, and if anyone knew Dawn better, it was Caitlin.

He walked up to her. Caitlin waited until he spoke. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. She gave him an odd look and then sighed.

"You should be telling that to Dawn, not me." She told him coolly.

"Where is she?" He asked in desperation. "And can you help me?"

"She's with her friend from National City. In what am I supposed to help you?"

"I want to make it up to Dawn because I couldn't come at our movie night. There was a meta-attack and then I came here at S.T.A.R. Labs and then there was a call from Iris here, she said Wally was back and then I went at the West House and I totally forgot! I'm so, so, sorry! She's probably mad and rightfully so!"

He spoke so fast that it took Caitlin minutes to understand what he was saying. She arched her brow and asked. "What about all the texts and call she left? I called you too."

Barry facrpalmed. "Someone at Jitters bumped me and my phone fell and I couldn't turn it on." He pulled his phone out of his pocket. "See, it's not turning on! I was going to give it Cisco and see if he could see what was wrong with it. I swear, Cait I didn't mean this to happen."

Of course, you never do. She thought bitterly.

"Barry, you realise that she cried herself to sleep, right? I was with Cisco and our old colleagues, she was sure you would come so I had to leave her alone because we thought you were just running late. Ironic." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "But when I came home, I saw her crying. Oh, you have no idea how mad that made me but fine. Fine, you forgot. You actually tend to do so. You don't keep up to your word. I don't know how to help you other then she loves peonies and if you get her some maybe she might not be so upset about everything. But it's better if you forget about it and walk away, like you always do. Dawn will be much better without you."

And so will I.

Furiously, she walked out of the room, cursing herself for bursting out like that. But one thing was for sure, he made her daughter cry and he wouldn't get away with it so easily.

Barry watched her walk away, again. She was right, again. He messed up, again. He let go of her, again.

But what was he supposed to do?

He knew Caitlin's anger didn't only come from yesterday's incident.

He felt hot tears rolling on his cheeks.

Just why was this so hard?!

He loved Caitlin, he loved Dawn too, whether she was his daughter or not.

But Nora was there. Nora and Iris. And they were gluing him at his place. Not in the wrong way. It was him walking the wrong way.

Iris told him he was free to be with the one he loved. But he loved his daughter too and she had very special place in his heart and if his choice to be with Caitlin would break her heart he wouldn't be able to take it. Just like Caitlin's furious because he upseted Dawn, he would be as furios with himself if he sees Nora crying because of him.

What am I supposed to do?

If only his dad was here, he knew what to do. He would give him a right advice.

But he wasn't. And Barry had to find right advice on his own.

And he would. Because he had an idea.

He found a spark in him. A change that he would make sure to turn out good.

He will take Iris' preposition and he will go after Caitlin. He will explain everything to Nora and he will find out if Caitlin still cares about him like she once did. If Dawn's truly his daughter. And even if she's not, he will still love her like his own. He will defeat the Speed Freak and he will get his true, happy ending.

He will make everything right. Without hurting anyone. Ever again.

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