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*Third Person's POV*

When the time came, Caitlin was well trained and all ready for her time with the new speedster.

Only she didn't feel like it at all.

She was nervous but she mastered her speed so it gave her a little assurance.

Besides, her little girl was her number one cheerleader.

And Barry believed in her too.

She also had Frost, who would come out when she'll need her.

Cisco built a machine that will transfer Barry's powers to Caitlin. She has very little time to test her natural speed. They're not sure when or if the speedster will appear.

Of course that's the whole point of doing this. To find out if he tracks speed or knows Flash's true identity.

"You ready, Cait?" Barry asked her softly.

Caitlin bit her lower lip but still nodded. Of course, Barry saw through her but before he managed to say anything, he got taken by Iris and Nora.

Like always.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Dawn approached her, looking a little nervous.

"Sure, dear. What is it?" Caitlin kneeled down to her size. Dawn motioned her to go somewhere alone.

They walked in the kitchen of the building and Caitlin waited till her daughter started talking. She was getting concerned because Dawn hasn't uttered a word.

"Honey, what's going on?" She frowned.

Dawn sighed and started talking. "If-if the bad speedster comes, can I use my powers to help you? If you or Nora or anyone will be in danger? I can't stand there like that, right?"

Caitlin's face softened. Her daughter was willing to put herself in danger just to save others. Just how much goodness she has inside? She held her tears as she answered. "Honey, I know you want to help, but using your powers would put you in equal danger."

"But mom-"

"However," Caitlin cut her off. "If anyone will need a help and they will be in big danger, you're allowed to use them." She finished with a small smile.

Dawn beamed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged her mother tightly who returned the gesture.

Unknown to them, a certain scarlet speedster was listening to their conversation.

"Everyone, gather around. It's time!" Cisco's voice bombared in the speed lab.

Caitlin and Barry nodded at each other and took their respective places. Cisco connected the machine to both of them.

Nora was guared in the cortex by Joe, Iris, Ralph and Dawn whi insisted she wanted to hold a gun too and Ralph being Ralph gave her one.

On the other hand only Cisco, Barry and Caitlin were in the speed lab.

Ramon touched the button and in instant the machine started and lightning from Barry transformed to Caitlin. Their friend turned off the machine and both of them stood up.

Barry glanced at the woman next to him who's hand started vibrating. He tried to do the same but failed.

"It worked!" Cisco clapped his hands. "I'm a genius!" He said proudly. "Caitlin, now run around the room. I don't know how or if he detects speed but we should still try."

Snow did as she was told and ran around. She then stopped when nothing happened. "Looks like he can't detect-"

They heard a sound of lightning going through a speedster. They turned behind and saw a man dressed in blue, lightning going through his arms.

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