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*Third Person's POV*

Caitlin and Cisco were at Caitlin's house, sitting on the couch and thinking about something useful agains the Speed Freak. Dawn was playing with toys next to them. She was being persistent and so her mother had to buy her Flash toy. She has been playing with it all day long, even sleeping with it.

"When are you going to let go of Barry's doll?" Caitlin chuckled.

"When the real Barry comes! Although the doll version of him looks funny. Then again, Barry's funny too." Dawn pondered. "Mommy, is there any Frost or Vibe dolls?"

"Yes and I'll get you one if you tell Barry that I'm cooler." Cisco cut in. Dawn giggled and nodded. Then her expression changed into frown.

"What's going on, baby?" Her mother asked her.

"I've been looking for Fluffy. I haven't seen her for two days! Mom, I lost it!" Her eyes filled wih tears. Fluffy was a bunny, her favourite, favourite toy. "That's why I've been carrying Barry's doll. I can't find Fluffy!" She gave Caitlin her infamous puppy eyes.

Caitlin sighed and stood up. "Have you checked in S.T.A.R. Labs?"

Dawn shook her head. "We haven't been there after speedster incident."

"Then the toy's probably there." Cisco said.

Caitlin stretched her arm and Dawn took it. "Come on, let's go search for your bunny." She turned to Cisco. "Would you do the honor?"

Cisco winked and opened a breach. The three of them went through it and appeared at S.T.A.R. Labs cortex. Their arrival starled West-Allens who were watching the monitor.

"Hey people!" Cisco greeted. In return he got smiles and greetings.

"What brings you guys here?" Iris queried, glancing at Dawn and Caitlin.

"Dawn lost her toy. Thought she left here." Caitlin replied. "We'll just go and search in the play room." She grabbed Dawn's hand and left the room.

As much as her heart hurt at the sight of Barry with his family, she wouldn't intrude.

"There she is!" Dawn exlaimed and ran towards her toy, placed on the table. She hugged the bunny and ran back to her mother. "We can go now." She told her.

Caitlin and her daughter went back in the cortex. "Are you coming, Cisco?" The man shook his head. "Barry and Iris were checking something on Nora's speed. I'll stay over for a while. But I'll open the breach for you."

Caitlin nodded. She and her daughter went through the breach.

Barry had been thinking about Dawn's and Caitlin's conversation ever since he got home two days ago. What did Dawn mean? What powers did she have that Caitlin was hiding?

Could she have... No. Dawn couldn't have super speed. She wasn't a speedster. She hasn't gotten hit by a lightning or had inherited her powers like Nora. She wasn't speedster's daughter. Was she? She wasn't Flash's daughter, right? Flash's other daughter, right? Barry had only one daughter, only one child. Nora.

But could Dawn also be his daughter? Wouldn't Caitlin have said something if that was true? Or would she hid Dawn?

After all, their break up wasn't Barry's proudest moment. He had broken her heart. He decided to live with Iris for the sake of the baby. Caitlin understood that much. Without even a goodbye, she left Central City, only telling Cisco. She was that much heartbroken but she would give up her relationship with Barry for Nora.

But she would said if she was pregnant, right?

He had noticed resemblance between him and Dawn from the first day. He felt something special, he just had a feeling that little girl was close to him, how he didn't know.

He even went as far as thinking Dawn had striking resemblance to his mother, Nora. That was strange.

He was being strange, or weird, or both.

Dawn couldn't be his daughter. She wasn't. Barry would've known if she was.

He just missed Caitlin so much. All this years, he was away from his one true love.

Reason why he and Iris never got married. Why they pretended to be in love instead of actually being. He was in love with Caitlin. Always been. He and Iris were only together because of Nora.

How would things turned out if Dawn was his daughter too? Would he and Caitlin be together? How would Nora grow up? How would Dawn grow up.

Oh, he had messed up horribly.

Now being with Caitlin only seemed like a dream.

"Daddy, can we train? I want to start using my speed." Nora pleaded. He glanced at Iris who didn't give him an answer, instead looked to him for answers.

Barry finally nodded. "But we'll only start training after we start a way to keep you safe from the Speed Freak. He can't detect your speed or mine." He turned to Cisco who was looking through files on his desk. "Any ideas, Cisco?"

Said man snapped out of his gaze and looked at West-Allens in front of him. "Yeah, I'll think of something."

Barry nodded again, he grabbed Nora's arm and together, along with Iris left the building. They were off towards their house.

As they arrived, Nora went in her room to play while Iris and Barry sat down on the couch. Iris seemed she wanted to ask something but was hesitating. Barry noticed that and motioned her to speak.

Iris breathed in and said. "Do you think Dawn's your daughter?"

The question startled Barry. Of course he just suspected that much but Iris asking this meant she noticed something too.

"I have no idea." He responded truthfully. He may not love her again but they were in good relationship, co-parenting for Nora.

Iris pondered. "She looks a lot like you. Even same eye color." Barry shook his head in agreement. "Barry, I know you want to be with her. You still love Caitlin. I'll stand back if you wish to go back to her. Nora and I will be fine. She's clever, she will understand if we'll explain everything to her. You just say a word and I'll do anything I can to help you. You're stuck in unhappy relationship, I kept you from Caitlin." Her eyes showed she was telling the truth, that she meant that she would let go of him if he wanted too, even if she loved him very much.

Barry glanced at her with shock. " I'm not unhappy Iris. I enjoy spending time with you and Nora and I can't be selfish. I'll do anything to make her happy. Yes, I still love Cait but she doesn't feel the same for me. And now she has Dawn."

Iris nodded sadly. "What if we find out who Dawn's father is?" She suddenly asked. Scarlet speedster gave her confused look. "If you're the father Barry it will make everything different. Dawn needs a father too and if you're him then you can be there for her too! Just like you are for Nora!"

He thought for a while. It was a good idea and he knew it.

In the end, he nodded and met up with Iris' smile.

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