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*Third Person's POV*

A week has passed since Barry found out that he has another daughter. One that he suspected was his long ago but dropped the idea because he thought his true love wouln't lie to him and hid their child from him.

When he found out, he was happy, very happy, he even cried. But he was hurt too. The thought that he missed most of Dawn's life was heartbreaking. He wished he could be there when she said her first words, when she walked for the first time and when she went in the school.

How could he not realize it before? He and Dawn shared so many things! The resemblance was so clear! Only with the eyes you could guess who was the kid's father.

Then there was a power-dampening necklace. Dawn was a speedster like him and her sister.

Oh, how happy Nora was when she found out Dawn was her sister!

As much as he didn't want to, he was mad at Cisco and Ralph too. Yes, Ralph just found out but still. And Cisco has known since the day Caitlin found out she was pregnant.

If she just told him, if she just came back. He would've been there for both of them. Nora and Dawn would be raised together.

But now there was no point to think about the what ifs. He wanted to focus on what was in front of him. He can create good memories with Dawn. Be there for her when she needs him and protect her at all costs. He cared about her even before he found out she was his daughter.

He could forgive Cisco and Ralph, and he will. He kind of understands why they didn't say anything. It wasn't theirs to mention but he still couldn't help some of the anger left inside.

He rearranged everything and now both of his daughters are under constant supervision. Now that Milton knows about Dawn's powers, he'll go after her too. That's also another reason why Dawn joined his and Nora's training.

One thing he still hasn't fixed was his and Caitlin's relationship. They almost haven't talked since she told him everything. They only conversed about Dawn. Other than that, he has been avoiding her. He couldn't face her. He was mad and hurt at the same time. But most of all, he was confused.

Confused because, he had no idea what to do after this. Before, Caitlin kept saying she and Dawn would leave after they would defeat Speed Freak, but now she hasn't even mentioned what would happen after all of this ends.

Iris has been very supportive throughout this thing and Barry has been super grateful. But aside from that, she has been helping Caitlin too.

Speaking of the team, at the moment, Barry was searching through the files about Milton's latest appearances. Ralph created the files and gave the copy to everyone in the team.

"I find it wierd that he only appears a week or so after his last attack." Caitlin mumbled, showing a days difference written on the paper to Cisco. Barry tried not to look up, but he listened to whataver Cisco answered.

"True. Maybe he needs time to recover his speed? We know he doesn't have organic speed. Velocity-X weakened his powers and it's hurting him like Zoom."

Barry saw Caitlin filp through the pages. Her hand stopped on the one where their plan was written.

"I don't like that we're challenging him like that, it all feels like Zoom." She bit her lip.

"We're not challenging him and he's not Zoom." Barry rose up from his speed and walked towards them. "We're tricking him into thinking that he has defeated us. And when he touches one of us to take our speed, he will lose his."

Cisco nodded with a grin while Caitlin didn't say anything. Their friend bid them goodbye as Gipsy was visiting. Caitlin stood up too, to go in her lab but Barry grabbed her arm. She turned back swiftly, waiting what he had to say.

"I want to fix things between us, Caitlin." He said, gazing at her in the eye.

"How?" She asked quietly.

Barry let go of her arm and motioned her to sit down. "First, we have to talk."

Good thing Caitlin shared his idea. She sat down and the two of them stared at each other, waiting if one of them started talking. In the end, they spoke up at the same time.

"I'll start." Snow said. She took a deep breathe. "I'm so sorry, Barry. I know I shouldn't have hidden Dawn from you. But if you can try to see it from my point of view, I couldn't really do otherwise. After we broke up, I felt so alone. I know I had the team, but It was different. Everything was different. After I left and settled in the new city, I found out I was going to be a mother. I tried many times to tell you, but I couldn't. I swear I tried! Then I made up my mind to raise Dawn on my own and tell her about you when she would be older and wished to find you. I know this probably makes you even angrier, but it's truth. I'm not gonna lie to you anymore. And I have to ask you to try and not be mad at Cisco and Ralph. I asked them to keep my secret and if anything, it's my fault. Aside from everything, know that I won't hide Dawn from you, ever again." She looked Barry in the eyes and waited for his reply.

The said man sighed. "I understand Cait. As much as it is shocking, I understand your reasons. After our fight, it's no suprise that you didn't want to talk to me ever again. We said some hurtful words at each other and anyone who listened wouldn't wonder we we even left each other." His green eyes met hers. "But that's behind of us. I want to change things. I don't know how long I'll be mad or hurt because of your decision but I think I'll heal, slowly. Looks like it's beyond my powers." A small laugh escaped him which cause Caitlin to smile a little.

"Will you two be staying in Central City after this is over?" He asked with all seriousness.

Caitlin hesitated. "Probably won't. We have a life there, Barry. And Dawn has friends, school and she's starting ballet. You can visit whenever you want, but we'll be back in National City after this."

Barry's heart clenched. Hurt was visible on his face but Caitlin still stood on her ground. Things messed up enough, she didn't want to step over her life in another city.

They talked about other things concerning Dawn and their lives. After the conversation, the heavy air was already lifted and they were going back to their normal self slowly.

Yet, their feelings concerning of love remained forgotten.

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