Kidd looked at Stein. "No. We can think of something else-"

"No." Mari said before Stein could reply. "She..." Mari said, her hands shaking uncontrollably. "S-she just... wants to talk." Mari said, holding her head high.

Kidd looked desperate. "Mari... no. Please don't..."

"Mari... don't." Maka said.

Mari thought about all the people in Death City. What would Arachne do to them? "I'll be okay." She whispered to Kidd, touching his hand. She smiled shakily.

Mari slowly walked toward Arachne, the red eyes in the growing darkness following her. "Don't even think about touching her." Kidd said, rage in his voice.

'This is a bad idea...' Kyoki's voice said in the back of her mind and she pushed it away.

She was in front of Arachne, but she couldn't meet the woman's eyes. "Good.

Arachne said. "Now. I wanted to asked you what happened, or, what it felt like after I put the snake in you eight years ago." She said, her voice quiet enough so Kidd or the others couldn't hear.

Mari flinched. "I-it... pain..." she said. He mind was screaming with memories and she tried to push them away. "And... magic." She said, holding her arm with one hand.

Arachne nodded. "Just what I wanted to hear." She looked back at Kidd

for a moment, seeing his rage. "Now." She said. "This is the part where I make a deal with you."

Mari jerked. "Wh-what?" she asked, her hands shaking.

Arachne looked Mari in the eye, causing her to flinch. "I want my sister back." She said. "If I can somehow get her soul out of you, I could revive her possibly."

Mari felt like ice. 'Bring back Medusa?' "What?" Mari said aloud, the memories of Medusa feeling like hot fire.

"I want to do something, and I need her help to pull it off." Arachne said. "So I need you to come with me so I can try and get her soul out of you."

"And... and what's in it for me?" Mari asked.

Arachne chuckled. "Immunity, from me and her."

Mari looked back at Kidd, her heart pounding in her ears. She turned back to Arachne and shook her head. "N-no... I can't let you." She said.

Arachne sighed, sliding her fan into one of her long sleeves. "I though that you would say as much. Well. I'll just have to take something else. Like maybe the soul of your unborn child..." Arachne smiled, but it was pure evil.

Mari felt pain rip through her and she gasped, jerking to the side as something dug into her. She looked down and saw her black blood beginning to pour out of her from her stomach, where Arachne's hand had plowed it's way into her abdomen.

Kidd yelled and a gunshot went off. Mari cried out as she felt Arachne's fingers tearing through her. She tried to pull the woman's hand out of her, but it was useless. She was hell-bent on causing an extreme amount of pain on Mari.

There was the sound of fighting, but Mari could barely hear any of it. She crumpled forward, and Arachne caught her. "See?" the woman said. "You should've just come with me in the first place. But now I have to-"

Arachne's hand was ripped out of Mari, and she was pulled back by familiar arms. "Mari!" Kidd's voice yelled, his tears falling down onto her cheeks.

"Pull back." Arachne said, disappearing into the back of the alley. "Let them think about this for a little while before ewe come back."

Suddenly, all and any trace of Arachne was gone. But Mari was drenched in pain, her body shaking.

"Kidd." Stein said, trying to get him to put her down on the ground. "Please."

Kidd held Mari close to his chest. "Mari! Mari!" he was saying.

Mari was in darkness for a moment, the pain too much on her mind. "K-Kidd?" she asked, her hand covered in blood and she reached up to feel his face. She opened her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I called and ambulance. We'll take her to the hospital." Stein said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Kidd." Mari said, blood leaking from her. "I don't want to die... please..."

Kidd shook his head, letting Stein press a torn piece of his lab coat into Mari's wound. "Don't worry... you'll be okay." He kissed her lips softly, a little blood smearing onto his lips from her.

Mari felt something different as she heard sirens approaching. Something was terribly wrong, but she couldn't think straight through the pain.

"Something's wrong..." she whispered chokingly. "Something's..."

"It's going to be okay... Mari..." Kidd said, right before Mari's vision became fuzzy, then dark.

Mari (Soul Eater)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin