iv. choosing

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The ice-cold bitch 'Jeanine' took her place on the stage and started to prepare the young adults for the choosing ceremony.

''The faction system is a living being composed of cells, all of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The future belongs to those who know where they belong.'' Jeanie says as Tatum rolls her eyes at her annoying voice.

Jeanine walks off the stage to sit with the rest of the erudite, Marcus then takes the stage.

''When we leave this room, you will no longer be dependents but full-fledged members of our society. Faction before blood.'' Marcus says.

''Faction before blood.'' Everyone says in unison.

''I love you... No matter what.'' Natalie turns toward her beloved children.

''We love you too mom.'' Tatum squeezes her mother's hand in comfort.

Marcus begins going through the list of people in Alphabetical order, by surname. And so very quickly Caleb's name got called.

''Erudite.'' Marcus announces. The whole Prior family turn to him in disappointment.

''Idiot.'' Tatum says aloud.

''Tatum Prior!" Marcus calls. Tatum gives her family one last smile before heading toward the stage.

She looked at all the bowls knowing she belonged to all of them, but where did she want to spend the rest of her life? Then she took one last look at the midnight black coal, she took the small dagger and cut a slit in her palm not wincing one bit and she hovered her hand above the coal.


The Dauntless faction cheered, some of them remembering her from the scene she made the day before, she took a seat next to one guy who seemed glad that she became a part of their faction.

''Good to have you here.'' He said.

''Thanks.'' Tatum smiled back before being cut of by Marcus.

''Beatrice Prior.'' Marcus

Beatrice took more time than Tatum, which made Tatum more curious as finding out her result should have helped her choose the right faction. Odd.

''Dauntless!" Marcus shouted as the Priors looked shocked at Beatrice's choice, they gave Tatum a knowing look as if to say 'look after her' she simply nodded back at them.

''Welcome to Dauntless.'' The same man greeted Beatrice.


After the ceremony the girls got given some medical tape to secure their cuts and before they could even blink all the new dauntless and dauntless born started running to the sound of the Chicago train. 

''Come on Beatrice!" Tatum shouts as she sees her sister falling behind. She grabs ahold of her hand and starts to climb the pillars that are placed below the platform. She also gave out her hand to Beatrice to make sure she would make it to the platform so she wouldn't miss the train. Eventually, the pair got into the train and fell next to a small brunette Candor girl.

''You made it. I'm Christina.'' The ex- Candor introduces.

''I'm Beatrice and this is my sister Tatum.'' Tatum shakes Christina's hands.

''Wait are you the one who got into a scrap with Peter?'' Christina asks with a smirk.

''Yup.'' Tatum says effortlessly.

''Badass,'' Christina says making Tatum smirk, ''Is it just me or are they trying to kill us.''

''They just want to sus out the weak ones.'' Tatum states as Christina nods agreeing. After sitting on the train for 5 mins, Beatrice goes to take a look out side the train.

''They are jumping!" Beatrice says in shock.

''What!" Christina stands up.

''Maybe they are trying to kill us.'' A shiver runs down Tatum's spine. 

''On 3.'' Beatrice turns to the two girls as they nod in agreement.

''1, 2... 3!"


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