ii. trust the test

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Today they take the long-awaited test. The test that shows them where they belong and allows people a genuine chance to fit in. The prior siblings, Caleb, Tatum and Beatrice all met up to queue outside Abnegation's line to get into the hall where they give people a rundown on the test and their futures.

''Beatrice you'll be fine don't sweat it.'' Tatum looks her little sister in the eye.

''Yeah, trust the test.'' Caleb tells her agreeing with Tatum's word.

They all waited in the queue for what felt like hours, Tatum's eyes shifted to a snotty Candor boy who was barking at another Abnegation member.

 ''Hey. So, all the food that we're not getting, you guys are away to the Factionless?'' The Candor boy steps forward and gets into the young Abnegation's face. All the boys, nervous just nod along.

''You're a liar. Why are you to me? you keep it for yourselves. So why don't you just admit it? Huh?'' The boy starts to shout as the Abnegation turns his head away from him, ''I'm talking to you. Are all you stiffs deaf or somethin'? Hey!'' Tatum steps forward ignoring her older brother Caleb's calls.

''Oi, stop being a little school boy bitch and get back to your own line you obsessive Candor dick.'' Tatum gets into 'Peter' as she overhears face.

''What did you say stiff.'' Peter steps forward.

''You heard,'' Tatum smirks before walking back to her brother and sister.

''Bitch.'' He mumbles as Tatum turns back kneeing him in the balls.

''Get back in your line and shut it.'' Tatum shouts as the people from Dauntless cheer on her actions. Tatum smirks at the way Dauntless praised her actions... she always was fascinated by their way of life and their bravery.

''Tatum are you crazy.'' Caleb holds her back.

''Maybe..'' She smirks.


''One hundred years ago, after the war, our founders created a system they believed would prevent future conflict and create long-lasting peace. Today, aptitude testing based on your personality will assign you to one of the factions. While it is our belief that choosing the faction indicated by your test is the best way to ensure success within the faction system, it is your right at the ceremony to choose any of the five factions, regardless of your test results. However, once the choice has been made, there will be no change permitted.''


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