Interviewer: "so fans have been dying to know what was the moment you two clicked or when you decided that you wanted to ask her out"

Brie chuckles

Brie: "wow, really digging deep in here, huh"

Interviewer: "I could ask you another"

Brie: "oh no, I dont mind. Wow, let me think...she's going to kill me for revealing this. During the scene, in her lair. We were filming one of the fighting scenes and during one of the takes, she tripped and fell on top of me. When she did, I lost my balance and fell to the ground. When I looked up at her, her face was bright red. Kim apologized so much for I believe it was an hour straight. A few weeks later, we started dating. I know it's not the most interesting love story but Kim and I still have a good laugh about it"

Brie chuckles 

Interviewer: "is that when you thought you wanted to ask her out?"

Brie: "yes it is. That's when I realized I wanted to ask her out. It took me a few weeks but that's when I realized I really liked her-ow!"

Interviewer: "Is something wrong Brie?"

Brie: "sorry, it's just that my son is pulling at my hair"

She tries to pull her hair out from Ivan's grip but fails at doing so 

Interviewer: "cute"

Brie: "he's adorable but a little monster at times"

Both Brie and the interviewer laugh

Interviewer: "even before you both officially announced that you were dating, fans have been shipping both of your characters Captain Marvel and Shock Wave"

Brie: "yeah, we've been seeing a lot of fan art and our friends have been sending us some fan art, tik-tok videos, posts, and a bunch of other things they find. Both Kim and I love seeing whatever the fans have made with our characters"

Interviewer: "well I have this really sweet and wholesome piece of fanart you may like"

Brie: "Oh, really. I'm always excited to see our fans do"

Thye Interviewer shows a fan art piece up to the camera so Brie and the audience can see

The fan art was of Brie and Kim as their MCU characters Carol and Kasey.

Carol standing behind Kasey, wrapping her arms around Kasey's waist, resting her chin on Kasey's shoulder, and looking down at the blanket Kasey is holding. Little arms sticking out of the blanket

Brie: "oh my god, I love it so much. Is there any way for me to get the information about the artist"

Interviewer: "of course"

Brie: "thank you, I know Kim would love it"

Interviewer: "one last question I have about you and Kim before we start wrapping up this interview"

Brie: "go ahead"

Interviewer: "How has life been since you've both welcomed your son, Ivan"

Brie smiles and looks down at a now sleeping Ivan in her arms

Brie: "it's been amazing, really. Even though we've only had him for 4 months, it's the best four months. Kim had some hard times during her pregnancy but now that Ivan is with us, it's been amazing. I know our fans have been asking why we haven't been so active on social media, it's because it's hard taking care of a four-month-old while trying to juggle our jobs. This movie The Marvels is going to be my last movie for some time since I want to focus my life with my wife and son"

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