"You got out the shower though," Rayne states so smugly I can imagine the smirk on her face. "Anyway hurry up 'cause we're going out for breakfast." The soft retreating footsteps signal to me the conversation is over. Knowing that we're going out to eat I rush to finish getting ready.

As soon as I finish getting ready I grab my bag and head downstairs ready to go, only to be met with a ready four-year-old without her thirty-two-year-old mother in sight. "Not her rushing me, only to be the last one ready," I mumble to myself looking around the spacious living room. Jumping in fright when I hear Rayne.

"Not you talking shit under your breath, you better say it with yo chest hoe." She says bucking at me and I sure enough flinch. "Now come on let's go." Grabbing Lily's hand, and my bag we start heading to the door. "Who's driving?" I questioned. Rayne deadpanned me and with a very monotone voice rhetorically asks me, "Do you ever drive when we go somewhere together?" That response alone had me stuck. Locking her front door after me I look at Lily "Lily you know your mom is a meanie, right?"

Laughing at the look Rayne gave me. "Jordyn don't try to turn my ba-"

"Of course, I know that ti ti." The four-year-old answers with a giggle oblivious to the look of betrayal her mother is giving her, and because of that alone, I start to cackle like a madman. I was cackling so loud and hard that I could've been mistaken for the wicked witch of the west. Rolling her eyes "It wasn't even that funny."

"But it was though."

With that being said we walk over to her blue 2013 Chevy Malibu. "Chirp, chirp your car, so I can get in." When she unlocked her car I got in the front seat while Rayne buckles Lily into her carseat. "Where y'all want to eat at?" I look back at Lily with a small smile "Nugget-" Lily looks up. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

With a big grin, she says, "Yes ma'am." Rayne closes Lily's door and gets in the driver's seat. I look over at her, "We want Mama's Kitchen." Rayne playfully rolls her eyes. "I should've known." She starts up the car and we were off.

The ride there felt fairly short, but it was long enough for Lily to fall asleep. I stare at Lily "She looks so peaceful. What a little angel." I say in awe of the four-year-old. Rayne makes a stank face and scoffs. "Angel my ass. I would sleep peacefully after terrorizing people all week too." I laugh softly

"Don't do my baby. She is an angel."

"Anyway, have you talked to mama?" I roll my eyes and huff "Now why would I talk to your mother?"

"Well for one she's your mother too-" I unbuckle my seatbelt and open my door. "Yeah don't remind me." With that I get out the car, close my door and go to grab little mama from her carseat.

Rayne continues "That was rude, but the second reason is she told me she called you a couple of days ago." Rayne turns the car off and gets out "And I surely declined her call, so what's your point?" We start to walk away from her car, "Don't forget to lock your car."

She locks the car and we head inside with me carrying Lily. We were greeted by a woman no taller than 5'1 by the looks of it.

"Hi welcome to Mama's Kitchen. Is it just the three of you?"

Rayne answers "Yeah it's just us sweetheart, and is it possible for us to sit in the special booth?" I snicker softly in the background.

"I'm new here so I'm going to ask my manager because from what I heard it's very rare for someone to sit there. So I'll be right back." She excuses herself.

I look over to Rayne. "I know grandma left you the restaurant, but you don't have to flex so hard. 'Is it possible for us to sit in the special booth?'" I mock Rayne.

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