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Leo open his eyes and look around
"Ma? Pa?" Leo say tearing up
Once he didn't see no one he start crying harder
"Pete? PETE?" He yell out and someone walk in
"Who?" Leo say scared
"I'm uncle Korn" Korn say and sit down on the chair
"Uncle Korn?" Leo say confused then he remember his mother telling him who he was
"Where is my Mom?" Leo ask as another tear fall
Korn pat his head "From now on I'll be taking care of you. You can call me grandpa" Korn say and smile
"What do you mean?" Leo ask confused
"Your parents were killed by Vegas" Korn say and Leo eyes open wide
"Ma and Pa are dead?" Leo ask crying out loud
"Everyone in your home is dead but I save you on time before he could kill you Leo" Korn say bringing Leo in for a hug
Leo was crying so hard his heart start pounding making him hard to breath
"I HATE HIM" Leo yell out with hatred
"Leo shhhh" Korn say and pat Leo back to calm him down
That night Leo cry himself to sleep

-scene change-

"Where is Leo?" Pete ask Vegas worried in the hotel seeing his arm bleeding
Vegas look down with his fist clench "The whole place exploded" Vegas say not able to look Pete in the eye
"What happen? Please explain to me Vegas" Pete say
"I was fighting with Luna and her bodyguard. Leo get shot by his mother making him fainted. After taking out all the bodyguard I look back and see Leo disappear" Vegas explain
"Did you kill them?" Pete ask
"I didn't. I plan to capture them first but the next thing I know the whole place exploded. The only reason I made it out alive was because Tankhun call me telling me to get out of the place. I did look for Leo but couldn't find him. I'm sorry Pete" Vegas say and fall to his knees
Pete also get on his knees in front of Vegas and hug him tight tearing up
"Why am I so weak? I can't even save a child" Vegas questions himself
"Vegas don't think about the worst. Leo is alright. He is going to be just fine" Pete say trying to calm Vegas who was shaking
"Did I kill someone you love Pete?" Vegas ask tearing up
"Vegas what are you saying? Are you trying to blame yourself? It not your fault so don't you dare blame yourself" Pete say putting his forehead against Vegas
That night everyone had trouble sleeping

-next morning-

"Pa why did you ask us to come here?" Kinn say looking at the child on the hospital bed
"Who is this child?" Porsche ask and Kinn pull him to his lap
"This is Leo. He is the son of uncle Zane the one I introduce to you when we had the last meeting. He pass away along with his wife and everyone else working for them" Korn say and Porsche look at Leo with worry
"Who would do something so cruel?" Porsche ask getting up from Kinn lap and move closer to Leo
"I don't know what actually happen" Korn say
"So what do you want us to do? Should we find him a family?" Kinn ask his father
"Will I was thinking you guys could adopt him into the family. I did tell him to call me grandpa and you guys can't have a child of your own. I also want a grandchild so I would be very happy if he was part of the family" Korn say happy
"Pa" Kinn say and look at Porsche
Porsche look back at Kinn
"Let us talk about it first" Porsche say
"If your worried about Leo getting in the middle of your love life then don't worry. I'll take care of him until my last breath. I don't want Leo to be with someone else like how I left you with your uncle who has gambling addiction" Korn say sad looking at Leo

"Who?" Leo open his eyes looking at the people in the room
"Leo how are you feeling?" Korn ask worried helping Leo sit up
Kinn has never seen his father this gently with a person ever and was shock by his father actions
"I had a bad dream uncle Korn" Leo say sad "call me grandpa" Korn say
"Wait he only speak English?" Porsche ask "yes this is another reason why I'm scared to leave someone else to take care of him" Korn say
"What did he say Kinn?" Porsche ask
"He had a bad dream" Kinn translate for Porsche
Porsche look back at Leo and pull Kinn out the room for a talk

"Who are they?" Leo ask
"Kinn the one sitting down is my son and the other is my son in law. What do you think about becoming their son?" Korn ask patting Leo head
Leo look down "I don't know. I don't need new parents " Leo say and Korn lift his face up
"It also what your parents wanted Leo. Your parents left behind everything they have for you. They want you to live a good life and have a happy family. Your mother told be you love cooking right? With them you can do whatever you want" Korn say and Leo hear the door open seeing his soon to be new parents come in

Porsche walk over and sit on the bed
"Leo what do you think about becoming our child?" Porsche say in Thai and Leo smile confuse because it remain him of Pete saying whatever he wanted in Thai even though Leo couldn't understand
"Do you want to become our son?" Kinn say in English and Leo smile feeling a tear fall
"I'm sorry" Leo say wiping his tears trying to hold his tears
"Why is he crying? And did he apologize" Porsche ask worried understanding a little
"He is just so happy" Korn say and Porsche hug Leo
"Cry cry it okay" Porsche say in English smiling remembering Porchay when they were young
Kinn smile seeing Porsche smiling

After putting Leo to sleep Kinn and Porsche look at each other
"I can't believe we got ourself a son. I didn't expect this" Porsche say smiling
"Good thing he not a baby" Kinn say
"Why? Is it because you couldn't carry a baby. I remember you carrying Venice and Venice crying" Porsche say laughing
"Like you did any better. He was crying harder when you carry him" Kinn say and Porsche slap Kinn arm
"Are you sure about this Porsche? If you don't want the child then I can find a family for Leo" Kinn say and Porsche hold his hand
"No I already ask him to be my son. I'll raise him well" Porsche say
"First you need to know how to communicate with him" Kinn say and Porsche nod
"You have to help me okay. I'll do my best to learn more English and teach him more Thai" Porsche say and Kinn nod smiling

-scene change-

"Make sure to search through the whole place" Vegas say in his phone
"Are you still looking Mr Vegas?" One of the bodyguard ask
"Yeah" Vegas say dropping the call
*why am I so worried?* Vegas think and hear the door open
"Are you tired?" Vegas hear Pete voice and smile
"Come here" Vegas say and Pete walk over
Pete tell the bodyguard to get out the room and the bodyguard leave 
Pete sit on Vegas lap and massage Vegas head to make him feel better
"Why? Why cant I find him?" Vegas say opening his eyes to look at Pete
"They have look for so many days and still haven't found him. I want to go back and look for him myself" Pete say and Vegas nod
"I'm going with you" Vegas say
"Okay let search for him together. Once we find him I'll ask him to come back with us" Pete say smiling and Vegas nod

That the end of this part❤️ Sorry if it shorter then the other part❤️ I'm planing on ending this story soon❤️ Thank you for reading❤️

He's Too Perfect-Vegas x Pete Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon