My Heart

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Pete was outside a little far from the second family mansion spying on Vegas *Should I tell Mr Kinn that I think Vegas might know that I have been spying on him. No that would get me in trouble with Porsche and Mr Kinn having a lover quarrel* Pete think and close his eyes tired
I been doing this for days without any sleep and I'm tired
*I haven't gotten any information* Pete say stressing
Suddenly He hear a knock in the window and scream seeing Vegas
He roll down the window nervously

"Hi Mr Vegas. What a coincidence seeing you" Pete say struggling with his worlds
"It good to see you Pete" Mr Vegas say and I nod
"What are you doing here?" Mr Vegas ask and I look around
"Will you see I was wondering if you can tell me the address of the place we went out to eat together last time" Pete say lying and Vegas smile
"Next time if you need anything just come into the mansion or we can find a different place to meet up. Should I take you to the place?" Mr Vegas ask and Pete shake his head
"I don't want to bother you Mr Vegas. If you could just tell me the address that would be fine" Pete say

Vegas touch Pete face
"Is it too hot. Do you need water?" Vegas ask worried
"Thank you for worrying Mr Vegas but I'll be fine. I'm used to the hot. I love being in the hot Sun" Pete say moving away a little
"Sorry for getting to close" Vegas say and look around "Do you have any paper and pen so I can write the address for you?" Vegas ask and Pete look around but there was nothing
Pete look back at Vegas smiling in stress
"Mr Vegas I think I forgot it at the main family so I'll come back next time" Pete say
"It fine I can just get the paper and pen in my place" Vegas say walking away

Pete got out the car getting in front of Vegas
"Mr Vegas you don't need to do all that. I can just come back tomorrow" Pete say feeling his eyes close
"Pete I think your burning up. Your face is really red" Vegas say worried and hold Pete before he fall to the ground fainting
"PETE" Vegas yell worried picking Pete up taking him into the mansion
*Kinn must have overwork him* Vegas think and become really angry

Vegas walk in the mansion carrying Pete in his arm to his bedroom
He lay Pete down on the bed and go get a wet towel to cool Pete down
Vegas walk out the room to the kitchen
*I should order some food for him. No I should go get it myself* Vegas think and went to the place himself to buy food for Pete
Once Vegas arrive back to his place he rush to his bedroom worried that Pete might be confused once he wake up
"Good thing he still not awake" Vegas say looking at Pete sleeping face

He put the food down on the table and walk over to the bed sitting down
"How could Kinn make Pete do too much work? He look like he hasn't got much sleep. Should I just go bomb the main family" Vegas say and smile seeing Pete sleeping face
*Pete wouldn't allow that* Vegas think and lay down next to Pete
"I wasn't plan on getting close to you but I just couldn't give you up without a fight Pete" Vegas whisper *Im very selfish aren't I*

-time skip-

Pete open his eyes about to scream when he see Vegas arms around him in the bed
His heart start to pound
*Why are you so close to me every time I wake up? First was the movie theater and now here. Wait...Where is this place?" Pete think and look around the place
"Brother I have something to talk to you about.........." Macau walk in shock seeing his brother and cousin bodyguard together
They keep looking back and forth


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" Macau and Pete both scream waking Vegas up
"Why are you guys screaming?" Vegas ask piss looking up with his arm still around Pete waist
"Brother why is he in bed with you?" Macau ask and many footsteps could be heard coming up the steps
Vegas grab the blanket and cover Pete with it. Vegas then motion for Macau not to speak
"Why are you screaming?" Vegas dad walk in angry and glare at the two brother
Vegas bring Pete closer to him

He's Too Perfect-Vegas x Pete Where stories live. Discover now