New Side

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"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME" Vegas yell and hit the guy head with a base ball bat making the person yell out in pain
Vegas grab a sharp knife and slice the guys neck until it detach to the body
The bodyguard walk in terrified by the sight. Vegas point the knife at the bodyguard and the bodyguard tense up.
Vegas look down at the dead body and calm down walking out the room

Vegas walk to his room and open the door. He look around and see Pete ring on the table making him remember Porsche on top of Pete.
He clench his fist and push everything off the table including the ring that he give to Pete. He walk over to the bed and rip all the sheet up. He then take out the bat from his closet and start destroying everything in the room including the window and the clothes inside the closet.
He hear a knock and look at the door *Is it Pete* Vegas think and smile rushing to the door

He open it and was disappointed when he see an uninvited person
Vegas walk out and close the door behind him. He try to calm himself down.
"Vegas why didn't you come visit me anymore. Doesn't your father still want to work together with my father" Blue who was one of Vegas father friend son that his dad told Vegas to sleep with
"My father is dead. You can go now and don't come back here again" Vegas say not caring about to walk inside the room again but got pull by his arm
Vegas glare back piss and roughly pull his arm away making the guy fall the to ground crying
"Vegas why are you so mean to me? You were nice and treated me gently before. I just want to help you" Blue say and Vegas become more angry
"You want to help me that bad huh?" Vegas ask and pull Blue arm off the ground and throw him inside the bedroom

Blue look around the room terrified by all the broken glass and rip up clothes
The whole room was destroyed
He hear the door slam close and look up at Vegas scared
Vegas walk to Blue making Blue move back "W-What are you going to do?" Blue say with a shaking voice
"What do you think? Look around you" Vegas say and grab his face squeezing it until Blue face got red making him cry out in fear
"That mouth of your is a problem" Vegas say and take out a pocket knife from his pocket and smile
"Vegas if anything happen to me my dad will kill you" Blue say and Vegas cut his lips making Blue kick his leg screaming

Vegas tide up both the legs and arm
"Do you think I would be scared of your father? He is my next target. After this he will get a big surprise" Vegas say laughing out
"Now I'll let you choose how you want to die. Do you want to be kick off a cliff, burn to death, hung, cut up, electrified, or something else? Don't worry at least one peace of you will be going back to your family" Vegas say and Blue shake his head trying to say no but his mouth was cover up
"Since your not saying anything I'll let my bodyguard choose for you" Vegas say and leave the room going downstairs

"Pa" Venice say getting off Macau lap running to Vegas
Vegas smile picking Venice up "red" Venice say pointing to Vegas right side
Vegas wipe it away and look down seeing  blood
"It just strawberry juice" Vegas say "strawberry" Venice say happy "Do you want some strawberry?" Vegas ask and Venice nod his head quickly
"Brother I'm going to go out" Macau say and Vegas nod
"Don't be out too late" Vegas say
"I got it" Macau say walking out

Vegas carry Venice to the dining room and put him on his chair
He then walk into the kitchen and look around for the chefs *Where did they go?* Vegas think angry
He open the fridge and see no strawberry
He walk back to Venice "There no strawberry Venice" Vegas say and Venice look down sad
"Let go buy some together" Vegas say and Venice smile
Vegas pick Venice up and carry him out to the living room seeing his bodyguard beat someone up
Vegas hide Venice eyes from seeing the sights
"What is this?" Vegas say calm and glare at everyone in the room
The bodyguard finally understand after seeing Venice in Vegas arm
They quietly pick the guy up closing the guy mouth and tiptoe away quickly and quietly

He's Too Perfect-Vegas x Pete Where stories live. Discover now