2 days together

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Day 1
Pete wake up looking around the room remembering what happens yesterday
He touch his stomach which was in pain
"Did someone patch it up?" Pete thinks and hear the door open
Pete turn his head to the door seeing Vegas walk in with a plate of food
Pete get up ready for a fight
"Pete I wont hurt you" Vegas say putting the food down walking to Pete
"I don't trust you" Pete say serious
"I'm not telling you to trust me. I'm telling you to not get yourself in bigger trouble. For now just do as I say and I'll help you escape" Vegas say taking Pete hand gently but Pete pull his hand away
"You should eat some food" Vegas say
"I'm not eating. For all I know you could put drug in the food" Pete say
"Pete if I wanted to punish you I would have already done it yesterday. Don't test me" Vegas say piss and Pete ignore him rushing to the door

"PETE" Vegas yell angry getting in front of Pete
"I won't stay in here. I'll go back to the main family" Pete say and walk pass
Vegas grab his arm and pull him to the couch making him sit down
"Do you want to be tied up?" Vegas ask angry and serious
"Your finally showing your true color huh? The clips I saw on your computer really disgust me" Pete say and Vegas look up shock
"Why do you look shock? You must be very proud of your work to have recording of it on your computer. I should have never get close to a person like you. YOU TWO FACE BASTARD" Pete yell the last words very angry
Vegas was about to hit Pete but stop himself once he see Pete close his eyes *What is going on with me? I say I would change and protect him but I almost hurt him* Vegas think and get on his knees in front of Pete

"Pete I'm sorry. give me 3 days and I'll show you a different side of me. I'll help you escape and won't bother you any longer. Right now I need you to get better so when the time comes you can do your best to get out of here. I'll only ask for 3 days. Today can be the first day" Vegas say and smile at Pete
"How can I be sure your not lying?" Pete say still not believing Vegas words
"Wait here" Vegas say and go into the other room
*That room of his was full of ropes, chain, whip and other things* Pete thinks and his body shiver seeing Vegas walk out with something in his hand
"I'll give you this taser. If you feel unsafe around me anytime just zap me with this taser" Vegas say smiling handing Pete the taser

Pete take the taser
"What if you end of killing me because of this?" Pete ask and Vegas giggle
"That would never happen so you don't need to worry about that. Right now get some food. You might feel uncomfortable with me watching you eat so I'll go get ready for class" Vegas say and Pete nod
Vegas walk to the bathroom
Pete take the fork and look at the food *Should I really eat the food? I'm so hungry* Pete think and take a bite of the food closing his eyes
After a while of feeling no change he start to eat quickly
He hear the door open and look up seeing Vegas half nicked about to spit out his food from the shock

"Pete are you okay?" Vegas ask worried walking to Pete
"DONT COME ANY CLOSER OR ILL ZAP YOU" Pete yell showing Vegas his taser
"What did I do wrong?" Vegas ask confused then look down at his body smirking looking at Pete
Vegas walk closer and Pete stand up walking to the other side away from Vegas
Vegas fallow after him "Why are you fallowing me. Don't come closer or I'll really zap you" Pete say and get on the bed getting down from the other side
Vegas smile and jump on the bed grabbing Pete hand pulling him to bed with him
Pete zap Vegas with his taser on his arm
"AAHHHH" Vegas yell out in pain falling on top of Pete body laughing out loud
"Are you crazy? You just got zap but laughing" Pete say and Vegas hold his hand still
"It hurts Pete" Vegas say smiling putting his forehead against Pete forehead
"That what you get" Pete say
"Sorry" Vegas say
"About what?" Pete say
"For everything I did that you disapprove" Vegas say
Vegas let go of Pete hand and get off Pete walking to his closet

After Vegas finish getting change he turn to Pete once again
"I'll be going now. What do you want to eat I'll buy it for you" Vegas say
"I want spicy food" Pete say
"Ok I'll see you soon" Vegas say smiling walking out the door
As soon as Pete hear the door close he waited for a while before getting out the room
"Where do you think your going?" Pete hear Vegas say and turn around smiling
"I was just trying to get some water" Pete say and Vegas smile
*you were trying to escape* Vegas think opening his bedroom and motion for Pete to go back in

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