Mr Vegas has change

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Vegas had tears rolling down while driving the car. He look at the window and see a car fallow behind. He speed up wiping his tears but it keep falling. He felt his world was falling apart. His dad has die and he will never be loved by his father. He was an unloved child and whatever he did he was always wrong.
"AHHHHHHHHHH" Vegas yell hitting his own head
As soon as he close his eyes he felt hit causing him to blackout


Vegas wake up holding his chest sweating like crazy. He take his phone out and look at the date. *What going on? The Date is wrong* Vegas think getting dressed and walk out his room
"Today we will be going to the main family" His father say coming from behind him *Isn't he supposed to be dead?* Vegas think
"You better not mess things up for me" His dad say serious
"Yes Pa" Vegas said still trying to take everything in
His dad walk away and he fallow behind

On his way to the main house many thoughts were on his head. *Ill get to see Pete again. It seems the things that I did to Pete never happen but it did happen. Was I lucky enough to get a second chance?* Vegas kept thinking
"Brother are you okay?" My little brother ask worried
"I'm fine Macau" Vegas say and smile
*I almost left my brother behind* Vegas think and hug his brother
"Are you sure your okay bro?" Macau ask again
The brothers were very close but Vegas hasn't hug his own brother since they were young since the father say Macau was no longer a child
*If Pete was not a reason for me to keep living then Macau will be my reason. I won't hurt Pete like I did before. I'll act like the things have never happen. The bad and good moments. I'll be happy just to see Pete smile* Vegas think and smile

"Brother can you let go of me now. I'm kinda embarrassed" Macau say and Vegas laugh patting his brother head
His bodyguard look back scared by his laugh
Once they arrive to the main house one of the guard open the door for Vegas
"Macau don't make trouble okay" Vegas say remembering Macau head was bleeding the last time
"I won't" Macau say
"Let go" The dad say and walk in
Vegas fallow behind alongside Macau while the bodyguard behind them
They walk into the place and Vegas heart skip a beat when he see him

Vegas stop in front of Pete and Pete smile nervously
"Mr Vegas" Pete say and bow elbowing Porsche to also bow
Both Pete and Porsche look at Vegas standing straight not making any movement
Vegas smile and walk away
During the whole meeting Vegas eyes were on Pete
No one was able to notice since Vegas make sure to make it unnoticed

Macau then run in yelling about his head bleeding
I get up worried knowing it happened before but I was still worried
"PA HE HIT ME" Macau yell pointing at Porsche and Pa pretend like he care about Macau
All the gun was pointed at Porsche but I could care less
My eyes were on Pete seeing him worried *They were best friends* Vegas think
"Drop the gun" I say and all of the my bodyguard drop this gun
Kinn get up confused and everyone freeze just as confused
I can feel Pa kinda angry
"Since my brother was the one that was hurt from your bodyguard then we can decide the punishment. If you try to help him then I'll take that as your excuse to think it okay to hurt us. Don't worry I won't kill him" Vegas say smirking at Kinn putting up an act
"Do you have anything to say brother?" Vegas Father say
Kinn was about to speak up "No" Uncle say and I use my eyes to motion my bodyguard to take him away
Porsche was trying to fight back but I walk to him
"Don't be scared" Vegas say and look at Pete smiling
"You should also come" Vegas say and Pete nod walking after

They were now outside
"You guys can go" Vegas say to his bodyguard
"But Sir" They try to say but Vegas glare at them serious
They leave and Pete was also going to leave but Vegas grab his hand gently
"Stay" Vegas say and Pete pull his hand away nervously smiling
"Yes" Pete say and look at Porsche worry about his punishment
Vegas walk up to Porsche and punch his face so hard that his lips bleed
Porsche was not going to back down as he about to punch back but Vegas dodge and make him slip hitting his head on something hard to make it bleed

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