Pete be my bodyguard

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-FaceTime -
"Venice I miss you already" Pete say showing a sad face
"I miss you" Venice say taking the phone away from Vegas
"I wanna see your Ma too Venice" Pete hear Vegas say and laugh
Pete can see Vegas and Venice pushing each other face out the screen
"Guys don't fight" Pete say smiling and hear his door slam open
He look at the door and see Leo angry
"What was that mama?" Venice ask through the phone
"I'll call you back later baby. I love you" Pete say and drop the call standing up

Leo reach out his hand
"What do you need Mr Leo?" Pete ask in Thai and try to find the words to say in English
"I can't understand what your saying. Did you forget what country your in now? Your dumb" Leo say and take Pete phone out his hand
He walk to the windows *Is he going to break my phone?* Pete think and see Leo throw his phone out the window
"WAIT" Pete yell going to the window and look down *I have so many memories in that phone* Pete think and clench his fist *Can I please beat this kid up. Now I won't be able to talk to Vegas and Venice until I get a new phone* Pete think and calm himself down
Pete smile at Leo which make Leo startled
"Why are you smiling? You look stupid" Leo say and walk out the room

-Scene change-

Vegas and Venice look back and forth from each other confused
"Did you hear the loud noise Pa?" Venice ask confuse
"I hear it" Vegas then say
"Did something happen to Ma? We should go see Mama to make sure he ok" Venice say worried and Vegas pat his head to calm him down
"I don't think you'll have to worry about your Mama. He is very strong" Vegas say and smile
"Pa you miss Ma right?" Venice ask and Vegas nod
"I miss Ma too" Venice say

-day 1-
"Mr Leo why are you up so late?" Pete ask seeing Leo sneak out of his room
"Shhhhh" Leo say and walk away
Pete fallow after him
They were now in the kitchen "What are you doing here?" Pete ask and Leo glare at him
"I don't understand what your saying. Why do you keep forgetting" Leo say and take out something from the fridge
Leo start cooking some food
Pete stay quiet as he watch Leo cook happily
They then hear a footsteps and look at each other
Leo hide in one of the cabinets and tell Pete to be quiet
"Why are you up already?" The bodyguard say looking at the food that was cooked and about to take a bite but Pete took it away
"I can't even have a bite" The guy say annoyed and walk out the kitchen
"I'm going to kill him for touching my food" Leo say and take his food out of Pete hand and walk to the dining room
Pete fallow him and see him eat alone
"Can I sit here?" Pate say pointing to himself and the chair
"You want to sit?" Leo ask
"Sit? Yes yes" Pete say smiling and Leo nod
Pete sit and watch Leo eat his food

-day 2-

"Your cooking again" Pete say in his phone and show it to Leo the translation
Leo laugh "now your using google translation" Leo say laughing
"What are you laughing about?" Pete say in the phone again and show it to Leo
Leo take his phone and speak in it
"Shut up" Leo say and hand the phone back to Pete
Leo walk to the fridge and start cooking
"Do you like to cook?" Pete speak into his phone and show it to Leo who role his eyes
"If I didn't like cooking would I be in the kitchen?" Leo answer Pete with a question
"Why do you cook at night? If you like cooking shouldn't you just cook" Pete ask and Leo read on the phone
Leo then slap the phone out of Pete hand and the phone screen crack
Leo ignore Pete for the rest of the time

-day 3-

"Let me cook with you" Pete say In his phone and show it to Leo
Leo push a plate of vegetables to Pete
Pete walk to the sink and clean the vegetable "How are you so good at cooking? Vegas can't even cook noodles the right way" Pete say and Leo look up
"Vegas? You want to visit Vegas?" Leo say confused
"Not Vegas the place but Vegas a person name" Pete say smiling wide
Leo grab Pete phone "Who would name someone after a place?" Leo ask
"I don't know myself" Pete say
As they cook they would talk to each other from time to time
They sit down with food in front of them
"Let eat" Leo say smiling and start eating
"Do you want to become a chef?" Pete talk into the phone and Leo read it
Leo nod smiling and continue to eat

He's Too Perfect-Vegas x Pete Where stories live. Discover now