Jane snaps out of her thoughts and walks over to Willa, handing her the glass of the water

Willa: "thanks"

She starts to drink her water

Willa: "why are you back?"

Jane: "I took care of what I needed to do...I wanted to see you again"

Willa: "but you left me for 3 years, 3 years without any contact or anything. Why?"

Jane: "I know and im sorry. I regretted leaving you but I had to"

Willa: "you hurt me, Jane. You hurt me a lot by leaving"

Jane: "I didn't mean to but obviously I did"

Jane pulls a strand of Willa's hair back

Willa: "why do you look so different?"

Jane: "a lot has changed since I left..."

Willa: "yeah, it has"

Jane: "I am now, Mighty Thor"

Willa: "mighty Thor, I've heard about you"

Jane: "Yeah, that's me"

Willa: "that still doesn't explain how you look so different"

Jane: "When I use mjölnir, it enhances my strength and health. It also changes my hair color as well as my height"

She chuckles

Willa: "So you left me and got a superhero upgrade"

Jane: "I left for a reason. I will tell you but not now"

They both put their foreheads together

A few days later

Jane: "Willa, can we talk"

Willa: "what is it?"

Jane: "I wanted to talk to you about something and I completely understand if you don't want to b it I was wondering if we could. If-god I'm such a mess. I-"

Willa: 'just shut up and kiss me"

Jane pulls Willa into a kiss, both of them smiling as they kiss

Naturally, Jane's arms wrap around Willa's waist and Willa's arms wrap around Jane's neck

Willa: "I missed this, I missed this a lot"

Jane: "so did I... so this means we can start over"

Willa: "yes you idiot"

Jane: "I'm not an idiot. I'm the number one astrophysicist in the world who happens to be a badass hammer-wielding superhero"

Willa chuckles as Jane kisses her again

Jane: "I missed our small and stupid argument"

Jane: "so did I. It's been really lonely these past 3 years...I dug myself deep into my work and rarely left the house. Darcy had to practically drag me out of my house"

Jane chuckles

Jane: "sounds like something she would do"

Willa: "I know I keep on saying this but I missed you. I missed you a lot"

Jane: "so did I and I regret leaving you those years ago"

She kisses Willa's temple

A week later

Willa wakes up in her bedroom, Janes's arms wrapped around her. She tries to get out of janes grip without waking her but fails miserably

Jane: "Willa?"

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