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2 weeks

"Cmon Luke!" Ashton said as he carried the boys to the car.

Luke put on a flower crown and got the babies' bags before locking the house and leaving. Today was a day Luke was waiting for ever since Ashton told him about it. Today Luke and the twins are going to meet Eric for the first time.

This made Luke really nervous because he didn't know what to expect out of the man. For all Luke knew he could have high expectations about the Hemmings or something like that. Like was scared what if he didn't like him because he was Hemmings, but that wouldn't make any sense since he was the man who told them to fight.

"Ashton,I'm nervous." Luke said when he got in the car.

"Don't be. He will like you a lot. Only because you make me really happy. He knows that so he's okay with you." Ashton explained.

"Yeah, but like what if in that moment he remembers what happen..." Luke said.

"Just calm down he will like you and if he doesn't then his lost." Ashton reminded Luke.

For the rest of ride Luke was nervous, but he shouldn't. He has nothing to worry about. Yet he's worrying about everything all of the sudden. Luke hardly does that at all.


Ashton parked the car, Luke didn't want to enter the building. But he knew he had to. He should just get this over with. So he got out of the car and got the babies' bag.

He followed Ashton into the big building. He was scared, yet felt safe? He didn't know what his emotion was at the moment, he was just hoping that Ashton's dad accepted him for who he was.

Ashton talked to a few people before they walked into, what Luke thought was an empty lunch room, a visitors room. He saw a man who looked like Ashton. Ashton set the babies on a chair next to him and Luke.

"So, this is Luke Hemmings?" Ashton's father asked once he sat down.

"Yeah. And this is Ares and Jackson." Ashton introduced them.

Luke felt really uncomfortable. He wished he did come here and visit Erick. Ashton made him.

"So Luke, what was it like?" Erick asked.

"W-What do you mean?" Luke asked him.

"You know having twins." He added.

"Oh... It was hard and complicated. It wasn't easy at all. Ashton helped me through it, at times. Not always since our mothers got in the way. They tried to ruin everything for us. But we didn't let them." Luke explained.

"They are still going. Damn those women don't give up easily. Wish they can forget this ever happened." Eric said.

"I tell that to myself a lot." Luke said.

"That's the one thing they need to do... So how did the babies happen?" He asked.

Ashton and Luke both blushed. Neither wanted to explain how it happen. They were embarrassed because of it. Not that they are embarrassed of the boys, but how they were made.

"Well...uh... you see... and... yeah." Ashton said while having a lot of hand motion in between.

"What?" His dad asked.

"We were drunk after a concert that we went to. And we don't know how the rest happened. We woke up both naked and Luke's ass hurting. Okay!" Ashton explained, while Luke hid his faced behind his hands.

That sounds like a terrible movie. Or like a 16 and pregnant episode. And Luke didn't like that at all. Worst part of it was that he is still 16. Almost 17, but there's still of couple of more months for that. So he can still be a part of the show.

"Whoa... are you even legal to drink?" Eric asked Luke.

"Well... they didn't ask for ID so I took the drinks. I'm barely 16 sir." Luke said.

"I don't like that you did that, but I'm gonna let it slide this time. So how did you find out?" He said. Looking at the baby boys.

"I fainted during PE one day. Ashton took me to the hospital, and well they told us there. I wasn't planning on keeping them. Ashton basically forced me to have them." Luke said.

"And I'm proud that you did keep them. Ashton your mother taught you well. You two will last long. I can tell that. This is just what happened with your cousins, they came to visit me and now they are married. I can't wait for that to happen to you two." Eric smiled.

"I'm hoping soon. I don't want to raise the babies alone by myself. That would be scary." Luke laughed.

"That won't happen because we live together. And I love Luke a lot." Ashton said.

"You better hope that's true. He reminds me of his dad a lot. And his dad at 16 was a lot like Luke. He was smart, shy, yet became so popular." Eric said as the memories came back.

"Wow. Were you and my dad close?" Luke asked.

"When we were younger yes. But as the time went by we drifted apart. He was super popular in high school. While I was a geek. Plus I had a crush on your mum back then. And he knew that, but he still went and dated her. I didn't bother talking to him after that. Not like we already didn't." Eric answered.

"You guys didn't even try at all? What's the point in that? You just gave up right away. Didn't take a chance or bother to try and fix your friendship! I would've tried at least. But we can't go back in time." Luke sighed.

"We did try flower crown, he was the one who didn't feel the need to have me as a friend. But I don't care anymore. Just look at where I ended up at. I hope neither of you end up here. That you two will fight for what's right, without the violence." Eric said.

"We know that. And we will try." Luke said.

"You two have to be strong. You need to finish school to help Luke out with the boys. And Luke you take good care of them okay? I will wait for the day were I can see you two be a happy family. And-"

"Irwin times up!" A guard yelled. He picked up Adam and dragged him away.

Luke and Ashton were escorted out the room. Thy drove back home and took acre of the boys.

"It wast that bad now, was it?" Ashton said as he fed Jackson.

"No... B-but, you will never leave me right?" Luke asked as he burped Ares.

"Never! That's not what a man does when he gets someone pregnant! They need and have to take care of the child!" Ashton semi-yelled.

"I guess you're right...."

(A/N): Chapter 17! Like it?

So 3 more chapters left and an epilogue. Idk if I mentioned that before or not XD. I might update later on. Not sure. This book is nearly over! DX Omg.

See ya later.


A Love Like War (Lashton Mpreg/ AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang