Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Luke had an appointment today. Ashton knew this time about it. Now the thing was that Liz wants to go with Luke to the appointment. Luke is telling her that she doesn't need to. He doesn't want to tell her the real reason as to why. She would flip shit if she knew.

So Luke is telling her to just drop him off. And leave. Just so she doesn't see Ashton. Cause they would be at the hospital.


The plan went as planned. Right now Luke and Ashton are waiting for Luke's name to be called.

"Luke, I'm happy I'm here with you." Ashton said.

Luke looked at Ashton and gave him a smile, "Well, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here."

"That is true. So thank my sperm?" He joked.

"Yes. And Calum and Michael for putting us in that room." Luke said.

"Yup. What do you think it is?" Ashton asked.

"I'm hoping a girl. Because she would look so pretty with your eyes and hair." Luke explained.

"I'm hoping for a girl too. But... I think she will look better with your blue eyes and dimple." Ashton said.

Luke laughed and pecked Ashton cheek. Luke placed his head on Ashton's shoulder.

"Ashton, do you think our mums would let us move in together?" Luke asked.

"I don't care if they do. I want to be with you. My dad wanted us to make peace. And that's what I'm trying to do." Ashton explains. "I'm almost 18. So we can move on without a problem. But then your only 16. So that's the small problem."

"I know. " Luke said. "But if we got married, I would be considered an adult."

"Are you sure you want to get married to me?" Ashton asked.

"Your the father of my baby. Why would I go marry someone else?" Luke said.

"Luke Hemmings!" The nurse yelled.

Luke and Ashton got up from their seats and walked over to the nurse. She lead them to a scale. They took Luke's weight. Luke gained 3 pounds since the other visit. Then she lead them to a room in the back.

"The doctor will be right with you." she explained.

Silence fell once the nurse left. Luke and Ashton had nothing to talk about. They did, but they knew this was the wrong place to be asking those questions to each other. Because the doctor could over hear them. And they don't want that happening. Because that would be very awkward.

They heard a knock at the door. Moments later the doctor came inside of the room. She greeted Luke and Ashton before she proceed.

"Luke please lay down and lift up your sweater and shirt." She explained.

Luke did as told and exposed his stomach. It felt the cold air touch his warm skin. Moments later another cold substance touched it again. This time it was the gel the doctor put on him. She turned on the equipment and started the process.

Ashton watch the small screen in silence. It was slowly sinking in that he was actually going to be a dad. Once he saw the two little fetus on the screen he was about to cry.

"Looks like you two are having twins." the doctor said.

Luke wasn't surprised since he was already told this. Unlike Ashton who was almost crying in front of a complete stranger.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeats?" She asked.

"Yes!" Ashton yelled right away.

The doctor smiled to herself, so did Luke. This was the first time Luke has actually Ashton this happy for something other than sports or parties.

They heard the heartbeats of their future children. Ashton couldn't handle it no more and started to cry because he created them. He was going to be a father. He would finally have a family of his own. Luke cried along with Ashton because he was happy that he was the father and no one else.

"Would you like pictures?" She asked than.

"Yeah, 7." Luke answered.

She printed out the pictures for the boys and gave them a card with the next appointment on it. Luke and Ashton walked out the hospital.

"I'll drive you home." Ashton said.

"No it's okay. My mum will be picking me up." Luke explained.

"I don't think it's safe for you to be by yourself." Ashton told Luke.

"I think I could handle it." Luke said.

"No you can't. Now it in my car! I'm taking you home." Ashton said.

Luke did as told. He walked over to Ashton's car and got in the passengers seat. Ashton drove Luke to his house. Luke was falling asleep halfway through the drive. Ashton couldn't let that happened because he would have to face Liz. And yet again he didn't care.


Ashton was holding an asleep Luke. He was waiting for Liz to open the door. And once she did her smile faded right away.

"What are you doing here?!?!?" She asked.

"I'm here with Luke. I offered him a ride after his appointment." Ashton explained "He fell asleep halfway through the ride. May you show me where his room is?"

Liz gave him a look before telling him the directions to Luke's room. Ashton was able to open the door. He settled Luke on his bed and tucked him in. Then he gave him a kiss on the cheek. He took of his flower crown so it wouldn't get ruined.

He walked out of Luke's room and went to the front door to leave. That was before Liz stopped him from opening the door.

"Ashton, please come over here." she commanded.

Ashton walked towards her. She was in the kitchen drinking some tea.

"Just because you're being a big boy and actually taking care of Luke won't make me like you. You have to try harder than that. I respect what your doing, but not my full respect. I still don't want you around this house." She explained.

Ashton stood their looking down at his hands. "Well I'm sorry to hear that Liz, but I'm going to make Luke an Irwin when he gives birth to our twins. And we are going to move in together."

Liz gave him a look of disgust. "My son will not marry you, even if you were the last man on earth!"

"Tell that to him. It's his life. He gets to choice who he marries not you." Ashton pointed out.

"Just get out of my house before I do something I regret." Liz said trying to keep her calmness.

"Like slap me, like you did to Luke." Ashton laughed. "Okay. I'll leave, but it won't be the last time you would see me."

Liz walked over to the front door and literally pushed Ashton out of her house. Ashton just rolled his eyes at her actions. That's not going to keep him away. But only bring him closer.

(A/N): Chapter 11! Like it?

Sorry I didn't update in a long time. We all blame school because school is terrible and makes us do a lot of work. D: Hope you guys liked this chapter. Took me a long time to write it because I forgot what I was suppose to write. XD.

See ya later.


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