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9 months /// 1 year

"Wow, I always thought I would get married before you." Calum told Luke.

"I thought so too, but we were both wrong as can see." Luke said.

They are hanging out together and sort of planning the wedding while at it. This is the first time since the twins were born that he got to hang out with Calum. He would visit, but it's not the same as before.

"So how's the family?" Calum asked.

"Great. Jackson and Ares are doing great. They can crawl now." Luke said.

"I thought you were joking when you said, you would name one of your sons after a Greek god." Calum said.

"Nope. Ancient Greece is beautiful. Everything about it fascinates me." Luke smiled.

"Wow. That's good. Better than drugs." Calum joked.

"Shut up." Luke laughed.

"Oh okay. Let's start planning it." Calum said.


"A year ago, I remember you saying that you wouldn't get no one pregnant. Now look where you ending up." Michael joked around.

Ashton was playing with Ares, while Michael had Jackson. "I was drunk that day. I knew for sure that I would've gotten someone pregnant."

"You weren't wrong." Michael mumbled.

"Yeahh..." Ashton sighed, "But you know what? I love them so much. Like I never loved someone more than I love my boys. It's a great feeling."

"I want that one day. To love someone as much as you love your family. But I'm not sure who will be the one." Michael confessed.

"What about Calum?" Ashton asked.

"W-what?... He doesn't like me." Michael said.

"Yes he fucking does. He goes all heart eyes when he sees you. Its adorable to see, to be honest." Ashton said.

Michael was blushing. Like tomato red blushing. "I-I never knew that..."

"Now you do. So what are you going to do?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know ask him out? Oh my gosh, he actually likes me! Me out of all people!" Michael beamed.

"Another thing that I forgot to tell you last time we talked.... Do you want to be my best man?" Ashton asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Michael yelled.

"Hey! Don't swear!" Ashton yelled.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I meant yeah." Michael said.

"Okay. That's good cause Calum is Luke's." Ashton smirked.

"I hate you right now." Michael glared at Ashton.

"You'll be thanking me when you two have a family." Ashton said in a sing song voice.


"I still can't believe it. Imagine if we stay on the other side of the stadium... do you think the twins would be here?" Calum asked Luke as he drove them home.

"I'm not sure, probably not. But we would've stayed in the same hotel... which might of lead us to that." Luke explained.

"Is it bad that I'm excited for a wedding?" Calum asked.

"N-no... You are my best man at the wedding. And guess who's Ashton's?" Luke said.

"I'm guessing it's Michael, isn't?" Calum asked.

A Love Like War (Lashton Mpreg/ AU)Where stories live. Discover now