Chapter 12

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"Luke." Liz said as she shook Luke awake.

Luke didn't want to wake up, but he knew that he had to. Yet he still didn't wake up. He knew for sure he would get yelled at for hanging around Ashton, but he couldn't care less.

"LUCAS!" Liz yelled again.

Luke woke up this time, just because he knew his mom was pissed off.

"What?!?" Luke said.

"Explain to me why you were around that boy!" She yelled.

"I was around Ashton, not that boy, because he gives a damn about the baby." Luke explained.

"I don't want him near you again." Liz explained.

"I don't give a damn about what you say, but he is the father of my child and you will have to get use to it." Luke said.

"Don't talk to me like that young man!" Liz yelled.

"Well you need to understand one way or another. And by the looks of it you still don't get my memo." Luke said.

Liz slapped him again. Luke left the house like last time. This time he called Ashton, instead of sneaking into the school.

"Luke! What happened?" Ashton asked.

"She slapped me again." Luke explained.

"I had it with her! Luke where are you? I need to go get you right now!" Ashton yelled.

"I'm near the school. By Oak Avenue." Luek explained.

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't move. Bye." Ashton hanged up.


Once Ashton picked Luke up. Ashton drove him far away from the city. Luke didn't even know where Ashton was taking him. But he didn't bother asking because he loved the scenery they were passing by. The trees and the mountains. The lakes and fields.

The trees looked beautiful. Their bright oranges, yellows, and brown. Luke just loved the way they looked. It was such a calming view. He just sighed at everything.


Ashton parked at the top of a mountain. Luke liked everything about he parked at.

"Ashton, where are we?" Luke asked.

"Just a place where my dad owns a cabin. We can stay here for a while. Or until you feel like you want to go back." Ashton explained

"Thank you Ashton." Luke said walking towards the bench not too far from where they parked.

Ashton followed him shortly after. They sat down for a while before speaking up again.

"Your welcomed." Ashton said.

Luke smiled, knowing that the person he is suppose to hate is the one who he is finding his trust. Luke liked that. He liked that he could trust someone even though that wasn't the plan from the start.

"No thank you for being a friend, someone I could trust. For making me feel special. Just thank you for all that you've done. It might look like a little bit, but it's not. Just the fact that you care about the babies is enough for me. And I'm happy that they will have two Dads, not just one. Unlike us who lost our fathers over something that could've been solved. I'm just so grateful that you have been here for me." Luke said as he began to cry.

Ashton wiped away the tears with his thumb. He couldn't help but smile at Luke's words. Ashton felt special now.

"And again Luke your welcomed. I'm happy I make you feel that way. All I ever wanted in life was to start a family with the person I love. I don't think I would start it this early in life, but I guess the sooner the better? Ha. Anyways I think your that person I love." Ashton said.

"I love you too." Luke said.

Ashton kissed Luke. The kiss wasn't fast and sloppy. It was slow and passionate. You can tell by the way they kissed that were in love. Words couldn't describe how they both felt. It was just an emotion that couldn't be defined. Once thy pulled back, Ashton carried Luke into the cabin. Then laid him down on the couch.

Luke smiled up at Ashton, "Ashton what are we?"

Ashton looked at Luke,"... boyfriends."

"I like that." Luke said.

"I'm glad that you do. Do you think that we can move in together? Since I won't be able to visit you without your mom being mad at you. And the other way around. Its okay if you say no, though. I understand." Ashton said.

"I would love to. But we have no money or a place to live. I'm not even old enough to live out of custody of my mother." Luke explained.

"Oh. I forgot about that. Maybe we should get some sleep. Or do you want something to eat?" Ashton said.

"I'll have something to eat." Luke answered


The next day, Ashton and Luke went back home. Luke was scared of his mother now. What if she slaps him again? She knows he is having twins, and she still does that. Luke thinks it's not safe to go back with her. He is afraid what she night do. Ashton told him not to worry because he will be there to save him if she tries to do anything.

Luke sighed before opening the front door. He was shaking really bad. He hoped that his mother wasn't at home, that she had to start work early today.

"Lucas, mind explaining where you went?" He heard his mum's voice from the living room.

Luke turned around to look at her. "I was with my boyfriend." he walked up to his room ignoring his mum's shouts at him.

Luke knew what he did. He knew that his mother would not approve of this. That she will not let this happen. But she has to realize is that she needs to approve this and needs to support Luke, even if she doesn't want to. In the end he is her son.

Luke heard knocks on his door but decided to ignore them, he knew was going to get yelled at. So he might as well not even open the door. He wished that their dads got along and never fought. This would of never happened. Luke would be happily with Ashton or maybe not.

He wouldn't of been pregnant or maybe. Maybe just not with Ashton, but with someone else. Maybe when he was older he would of done this. All the maybes that come out of one action. One action that created a war.

(A/N): Chapter 12! Like it?

Omfg I'm so so so sorry for not updating! I will try my best to update more often. I feel really bad that this is a short chapter, and it's shit. I'm so sorry I will try to make the other one more than 2,000 words! Okay? Okay. School has been on my last nerve! I swear! Ugh. I hate school so much!

See ya later.


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