thirty four

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"you all see that, right?"

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"you all see that, right?"


march, 1986


MIKE, will, argyle, and jonathan kept driving in the car, with the guy leaking blood still.

"keep putting pressure on it." jonathan tells them.

"it's not slowing!" will says in panic. "more pressure. get the napkins."

"argyle! get us to st. mary's!" jonathan yells.

"i don't think praying'd gonna help that dude!" argyle reminds him.

"no. you idiot!" jonathan insults. "st. mary's hospital."

"no.. no." the guy weakly says.

"what?" jonathan asks.

"no hospital.." he manages to get out.

"we're gonna get you to the hospital." jonathan tells him.

"you need to warn.. o.. owens." the guys says.

"owens, okay." jonathan repeats.

"the girl. she... she's in danger."

"how do we find owens?" jonathan asks.

"nina.. nina."

"nina. who's nina?" mike asks.

"come on, a pen." will instructs.

they get a pen and a magazine

"here's the number.." the guy says.

but then he started to close his eyes with his body going limp.

"hey! look at me!" jonathan yells.

then jonathan spots the car that was in their driveway, when those people barged into their house.

"we should get off the road." jonathan says.

"argyle, ar.. argyle, get off the road, now!" will demands.

"shit! he's dead, isn't he?" argyle asks in a panic.

"get off the road!" they all yelled.



everybody was sleeping as eddie kept calling dustin's name through the walkie.

nancy eventually heard it and woke up, she answered it.

"hey, it's nancy."

"wheeler! hey. um, um i'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon, unless you want me going out into the world." eddie demands.

on and off - mike wheeler Where stories live. Discover now