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"don't worry, steve will get him with his oar

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"don't worry, steve will get him with his oar."


march, 1985


"HEY GUYS, i might have a lead." y/n speaks up.

dustin, max, and robin immediately turn to y/n.

"seriously?" dustin asks with a smile.

"yeah." y/n replied.

"apparently, eddie gets drugs from some guy name reefer rick," y/n explains. "and sometimes eddie crashes there."

"that sounds promising." robin comments.

"where does this reefer rick guy live?" max asks.

"see, that's the thing." y/n cuts her off. "no one knows. he's more of a.. a legend than someone that people actually know."

"what about a last name?" dustin asks.

"i don't know that either." y/n responded.

"bet the cops know the last name." steve intervened as the four turned to him.

"what?" max asks.

"cops." steve repeats. "i mean, listen, if this reefer rick is actually a drug dealer, i guarantee you he's been busted at some point. means he's in the system."

"the cops?" dustin scoffs. "really, steve) that's your suggestion?"

"i mean, i think they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on." steve suggested.

"you think eddie's guilty, don't you?" dustin suddenly asks.

"whoa." steve cuts dustin off. "i believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. i just, you know, don't think we can rule it out."

"that's precisely what we're trying to do here, steve." max reminds him.

"and maybe, we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find eddie." y/n insults steve as she shoots him a fake smile.

"somebody has to attend the customers." steve tells y/n.

"especially if their babes, right?" robin asks, then winks.

"hey, not fair. okay?" steve points at robin. "i attend to all the customers equally babes and non-babes alike. we've got a very big selection in here. it can be super overwhelming for people."

"yeah, it can be." robin smiles, then goes to the computer.

"what are you doing?" max asks.

"maybe we don't need a last name." robin replies, as she typed on the keyboard. "twelve ricks have accounts here."

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