Chapter 8

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Irene smiled as she looked over the newest draft of Jennie's story. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed scrambling for some paper and a pencil. She had the perfect character designs for all the characters. She wouldn't make them look exactly like the people they represent but each character can have a determining characteristic. Like Jennie's character have that hazel brown hair, Dr. Manoban can have those cold hazel eyes, Dr. Park can have the blonde locks and Jisoo can have the raven long hair. It was perfect!

Now, if only she could get a picture of Marco and his wife so she can choose a characteristic for them.

Maybe she could ask Jennie for a picture. She reached for her phone then flinched when thunder exploded loudly making her jump. Okay maybe she could call her tomorrow, it was kinda late anyways and on nights like this, Dr. Manoban usually got called in, she would hate to wake her. Plus, she had to go into the hospital soon because she was covering for a nurse who had to leave early for the night shift.

She never minded covering for other people, even if it meant pulling doubles or losing a night off. Her passion after all was helping people.

She would just sketch out some designs of the characters she knew and get that photo from Jennie. Once the characters were designed it would be easy to draw out all the scenes, it never took her too long to complete a manhwa, but this one would be much longer than all her other works. It would be nice though to have an official title and maybe an ending but Jennie seemed to be hesitant about writing an official ending.

Irene understood though. Writers had to think about their audience after all. Would the audience be okay with the realistic ending which was that Jennie would die at the end? Or would they want a miracle ending where somehow Jennie survives? Maybe Irene could ask for them both and she could draw out both versions and decide later which one to use for publication.

Her cell phone rang and Irene jumped pulling the pencil away from the paper so as to not mess up her design for Jennie which was almost done already.

She grabbed the phone and smiled at the caller I.D. "Hello?" Irene said.

"Why is college so hard?"

Irene chuckled. Her little brother Jisung was the reason she became a nurse. Jisung not only was autistic but he had an immunodeficiency problem as a young child. With her parents always working, Irene spent a lot of her teenage years caring for him which sparked her passion for helping people. Jisung was much better now. He had been able to correct his immunodeficiency and control his autism enough to function normally in society. He was in University studying psychology and he was nearly done.

"Jisung, hang in there."

"Unnie, the exams are hard! I don't think I can do it!"

"Of course you can do it Jisung, you've been working hard and you're gonna be a great therapist," Irene said smiling.

"You think I'll get that internship in the psych department of your hospital you're working in?"

"I think you have a good chance," Irene said. "You're grades are good."

"So I can't blow it on these exams."

"You still have like a year or so to study," Irene said. "You can do it Jisung, I believe in you."

"What would I do without you Unnie?"

"Call our parents and complain about your exam on their voicemails."

Jisung laughed. "So true."

"Okay, you get back to your studying. I gotta start getting ready for a shift."

"Isn't it raining pretty hard in Seoul now?" he said. "I heard it's storming pretty hard over there."

"These are the hardest days at work," Irene said with a sigh. "Too many car accidents and sick people from the drastic weather changes."

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