Chapter 2

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Jennie had this heart condition for as long as she could remember. It was how her father had died when she was three years old...a massive heart attack. That was usually the end result of this disease and Jennie accepted that she wouldn't have a very long life.

She spent her entire life in and out of hospitals. She was never able to go to school or have friends or do anything fun ever. She never got to have a life of her own because any exertion could make her condition worse.

The fact that she even made it to her 30's was all thanks for Marco Manoban. She met him as her doctor when she was 19 and her pain had been extreme enough to nearly knock her out. She was doing her online university classes when it happened. In the month that she remained in Dr. Manoban's care, Jennie watched her mother fall desperately in love with him.

She knew about their affair for months before they announced their marriage. It was very common for her mother to keep big news away from her out of fear of shocking her or scaring her.

After the marriage, Marco dedicated his whole medical expertise to her. They traveled all over the world visiting different cardiologists and trying different treatments. While they were there they did as much sight seeing and relaxing as they could in addition to the countless hospitals and doctors as a sort of bucket list for Jennie.

Marco and her mother put forth an effort in her treatments but there was no denying the truth. Jennie's time on this Earth was limited. The last doctor they had seen in Germany said she has two years left at most but Marco and her mother never lost faith. Holding onto hope was important to them so Jennie never burst their bubble and went along with the treatments, but she knew the truth.

Her condition was worsening and she was considered low priority on the transplant list because she was young and hadn't suffered any heart attacks...yet.

She was the one who told them to go to Bermuda. After that doctor in Germany told her that death sentence, Marco had spent several nights researching doctors in America while her mother tried fruitlessly to hide the fact that she was crying. That's why Jennie bought them those tickets herself and checked herself into a hospice center.

Even with the tickets purchased and her settled in under the care of nurses 24 hours a day, her parents didn't want to leave. Jennie had to basically yell at them to go and enjoy some relaxation before venturing out to new doctors. The truth was that the break was also for her too. She was tired. She was tired of the constant hospitals and checkups and doctors.

She didn't want to do it anymore. She just wanted to enjoy what was left of her life to the max and die having at least lived. But she didn't want to break Marco and her mother's heart, that's why she organized everything for them to go to Bermuda.

If she had only known...she would have just gone to see the next doctor without arguments. She suspected something was wrong that evening when Marco had failed to pick her up as he said he would. She chalked it off as them just being tired from the flight and went to bed expecting them to come in the morning.

It was in the morning, while she was having breakfast while watching TV that she found out.

"Breaking News," the TV blared interrupting her cartoons. "After the terrible crash last night of flight 754 from Bermuda, the authorities have finally located all the debris of the plane. There have been no survivors located. Here is the director of the airline with details on the crash..."

She didn't hear anything else at that point. It was like her head was dunked under water and her ears were plugged. A flight from Bermuda. That was supposed to arrive last night. It had to be a different flight it couldn't be...

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