Chapter 34

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"Professor Whitlock! Professor Whitlock!"

Gwen rubs anxiously at the back of her neck, scared for a moment that she's hearing things that aren't there. She'd taken too much of her potion last night, drowned her sorrows in sleep that were wrought with nightmares. So she'd taken more. And when she'd seen James Potter wading in the shallows of the Black Lake, looking as if he'd been waiting, she'd nearly wept.

When she woke, she'd initially been unable to stop hearing him. She could hear his laugh, hear his concerned voice saying her name. She could hear the waves on her beach, crashing loudly over the cries of gulls. She could hear Sirius shouting for her, her own screams taunting her ears.

She'd taken another half of a vial before her first class. It had made her dizzy, but her smile had come easy with the gentle laughter of James in her ears.

She turns, locking eyes with a lanky boy that usually came with a mirror image. Gwen feels a wave of relief soak into her veins. She smiles faintly, "Fred."

She wasn't still hearing things.

The Weasley twin is panting, like he's just sprinted across the castle to catch up to her. He shakes his head, gasping out, "George."

Gwen quirks a brow, a tired grin growing and twitching her cheek up as she repeats, "Fred."

He palms his knees, bent in half to try and catch his breath. He swears, and Gwen knows she's supposed to tell him not to. She was supposed to do a lot of things. He finally stands upright, asking confusedly, "How'd you know?"

"George still blushes when I look at him."

Fred snickers, slapping his knee and shaking his head, "Merlin, he's such a sap. Anyway, I was hoping to ask you a question."

The Veela nods, tilting her head to the side. Fred clears his throat, straightens his school tie. She notices the briefest glance he shoots over her shoulder, and her smile suddenly feels far less weighed down with exhaustion. Instead of calling out to the boy Fred was trying to look at inconspicuously, Gwen says flatly, "I'm on the edge of my seat, Fred."

He grins, toothy and full of mischief. His eyes narrow as he asks, "How many letters are there in the alphabet."

Gwen blinks at him, making sure that it's still his voice she's hearing and not one from her potion soaked dreams. When she is certain that Fred is the person that has asked, that she's awake and not floating in a universe between nightmares and safety, she lets out a loud laugh.

Fred's grin stretches impossibly wider, clearly pleased by her reaction. Gwen shakes her head slowly, mirth still woven in her words as she asks, "Would you rather I answer your riddle before or after George tries out whatever prank it is you've planned?"

Another curse, though this time it sounds in unison from a pair of disappointed boys. Gwen peers over her shoulder, watching as George appears from behind a statue. He pockets something rather quickly, but again Gwen decides against admonishing them as a teacher should. She found that many lessons were learned best on one's own.

George sulks over towards them, coming to stand next to his brother. His cheeks turn a deep pink when Gwen pins him with her cool stare, mumbling disappointedly, "Every time."

It wasn't the first time that George and Fred had tried to take the Veela by surprise, sometimes with the help of Peeves. Unfortunately for them, the Poltergeist was rather fond of the Veela. Gwen didn't mind the pranks or riddles. She welcomed the distraction.

The Veela glances at Fred and answers his riddle almost sympathetically, "There are eleven letters in 'the alphabet.'"

Fred smiles ruefully, the expression twisting into one of exasperation when George elbows him hard in the side and accuses, "I told you she'd know that one!"

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