Chapter 3

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It was an odd sight, Albus Dumbledore sitting in her tiny kitchen.

Fortunately Gwen had become accustomed to oddities in her life. Time hadn't faded her ability to read the old wizard, only her ability to care.

She hadn't cared about much in some time.

She knows she staring, and she knows it's making him uncomfortable. That's why she continues, even when he breaks the eye contact between them to sip on the tea she had scrounged up from her cabinets. Maybe 12 years ago she would've offered him hot chocolate. Or maybe 12 years ago another one of his previous students living here would have.

She can feel her eye twitch when he finally speaks, finding that his question grates her nerves,

"How are you?"

It hangs between them, a timid and ugly way of approaching the thing that neither of them want to address. Gwen smiles, a forced and tight one that makes her face feel like it's straining to find some joy. She always comes up empty.

"You can't think of something better to ask?" The Veela muses, feeling a prick of satisfaction when her old friend winces. Good. She was glad he was uncomfortable. He deserved it.

"It's merely a question, Gwenyth." He sounds tired. He sounds old. She wants to be angry that she's slightly concerned, but she is nonetheless. Her fingers pick at the chipped floral design on her grey teacup, the paint coming up under her fingernails as her anxiety begins to build the pressure behind her eyes. She's growing more uncomfortable with his presence, her past anger twisting her stomach in knots. This man had betrayed her. She swallows and asks quietly,

"Perhaps there's something else you're here to ask me."

His eyes widen a minuscule amount, just enough for her to note. She'd taken him by surprise, not that he'd ever admit it. Dumbledore clears his throat and muses, "Remus told you?"

"That he'd accepted a position at Hogwarts?" Gwen retorts plainly. "Yes. That's something that he thought I'd be interested to know."

It's the headmaster's turn to push now, his voice firm as he begins, "Gwen, I'd like to—"

"Why don't I stop you right there," She interrupts curtly. As brave as the past Gryffindor was, he was also smart enough to know when to shut his mouth. Dumbledore watches her calmly, his gaze briefly flickering to her hands as she continues nonchalantly,

"You've taken many things from me, Albus. Why would you assume that I'd be interested in you taking more?"

Again, silence lays tense between them, a silence that is only broken when Albus Dumbledore corrects simply, "Gave. You gave, Gwenyth. Even when I asked you not to. Even when Sirius—"

The Veela stands abruptly, fury written across her previously blank face. The scars on her shoulder blades feel brand new, raw and painful as she demands, "Get out."

Dumbledore doesn't move, merely cautions, "Gwenyth, please."

"Are you so old that you can't fucking hear anymore?! I said get out!" Her voice cracks, an unflattering break in her stoic facade. That name. She couldn't bare to hear that name. Not from him. Not from anyone.

"It's almost time," Dumbledore says firmly, appraising the Veela with apprehension as her breathing stutters. Time.

Her eyes narrow and she spits out vehemently, "Don't patronize—"

"I mean it," Dumbledore interrupts, standing as well. "The reason I want you to come to Hogwarts, the reason I want you to be a because it's nearly time. Harry. He needs you. He needs someone to watch him. Especially now."

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