Chapter 6

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Gwen smooths out her robes, missing for a brief moment her jeans and shirts that she had worn so comfortably by the beach.

She didn't have much to dress up for nowadays. She preferred it that way. She shakes her head slightly to clear the thought away, sending a faint smile to Professor Mcgonagall as she moves past the Veela.

The older witch was probably one of the most excited to see her back at Hogwarts. Second only to Professor Flitwick. She'd refrained from pointing out the Gryffindor head of house's tears, instead settling into the bone crushing hug she'd revived. She'd always liked Minnie.

The Veela was still getting acquainted with everyone before the feast, getting a warm hug from Professor Sprout and a wave hello from Professor Binns. Filch looked an odd mixture of angry and happy to see her back, though she figured it was due to her charm. He was one of those people that were repulsed and intrigued, probably frustrated because he couldn't figure out which he felt more.

Gwen turns away from the eyes of the greasy man to try and find a specific someone she'd been searching for. Unfortunately she rams rather forcefully into someone else. The quiet huff and nasally voice gives it away before she even looks up.

"Miss. Whitlock. Still as clumsy as ever I see."

Gwen blinks, still happy to know she makes him uncomfortable. That much is given away by how quickly he looks away from her eyes. She wonders when the last time she saw Severus Snape. The last time they'd spoken so formally had been on the quidditch pitch when they were still kids. Sirius had been furious with her. Her throat feels raw and she decides she needs to get some distance from her past, so she nods, saying simply,

"Severus, still haven't gotten rid of that cold. If you'll excuse me."

He sneers as she walks past, a look he had mastered beautifully. The war had taken things from him to. She didn't sympathize too much. He'd practically given away his heart on a silver platter. At least she had the decency to fight for as long as she could sustain. Her breathing calms when she sees just who she's looking for.

"Remus!" She calls, her face breaking into a wide smile when her old friend turns and finally sees her. He still looks like he always had, lanky and wearing earth tones. His hair is still dusty brown, but his face holds a few new scars. He grins and then he is running over to her and laughing and then they're hugging each other tightly, tears threatening her eyes again as she breathes,

"Merlin, it's good to see you."

He squeezes her tighter, replying hoarsely,

"Ninnie. I can't believe you're here."

She smiles slightly and shakes her head, pulling back to reply, "I was just about to say the same."

He waves her off, his smile fading when he sees the mirth drain from her eyes.

"Have you seen him?" She whispers, grasping his hands tightly and her smile strained when he nods. His voice is raw and scratchy when he says quietly, "He looks just like James. But he has Lily's eyes."

"Sorry to interrupt, Remus,"

Gwen turns at the gruff voice, her neck craning to look at a very tall man with an unruly beard. She blinks up at him, noting the way his cheeks turn ruddy when he stammers,

"I-I was jus hopin to introduce myself."

"Ah," Remus says, grinning slightly. "Hagrid, this is my friend Gwenyth Whitlock."

The burly man extends his large hand and Gwen takes it, surprised by his gentleness when he shakes it. He smiles warmly and says, "It's a pleasure, Miss. Whitlock. I'm Rebeus Hagrid, Care of Magical Creatures. Y-you can call me Hagrid."

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