Chapter 14

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While the rumors surrounding Gwenyth Whitlock had died down to a certain extent, the students of Hogwarts were still perplexed by the Professor. Her affinity for riddles, her ease with magic, her unnerving eyes. All of her traits had been whispered about high and low through the castle, though most recently drawing the curiosity of students, was the Veela's relationship with portraits. 

Gwen smiles demurely as the portrait of Brian Gagwilde III gestures wildly in his frame, his sentences so rapid that she begins to hear a rather annoying rhythmic song made up of the harsh syllables of his speech. The Gagwilde's were a long, pure bloodline straight from Ireland, and Brian III's mix of gaelic and english was the most perplexing riddle she'd ever been given. She can see a gaggle of first years watching her out of the corner of her eye, though she isn't fully aware of why they seem so interested. Anyone could talk to a portrait at Hogwarts. It was one of her favorite things to do. 

"Are you aware," Gwen's smile grows at the familiar voice, shooting an apologetic wink  at Brian Gagwilde III when he scowls at the interruption. Her eyes slide sideways, catching a familiar scarred face. Remus grins, continuing, "Are you aware that the portrait of Gilderoy Lockheart has been harassing me? He seems to think that you are avoiding him. He interrupted my class yesterday to demand that I send for you immediately."

Gwen shrugs, clasping her hands together, "Why on earth would I avoid a portrait of Gilderoy Lockheart?" The sarcasm of her voice only causes laughter to fall from her friend's pursed lips. He's momentarily taken aback by the dark shadows under her eyes, her shoulders more slumped than poised. He feels his lips twitch into a frown before he can stop it, but when she quirks a curious brow he breezes past it. She didn't take kindly to concern over her wellbeing. Not anymore. Remus forces a smile, shakes his head back and forth before teasing, "Funnily enough, Ron Weasley asked me the very same thing."

The Veela can't help her smile. She turns to the sulking portrait before her, saying warmly, "Brian, perhaps we can continue this discussion later. I'm positively famished."

The portrait's cheeks tinge pink, his smile bashful beneath his twitching mustache as he nods his head up and down. Remus scoffs at the reaction, merely rolling his eyes before grabbing her by the elbow and guiding her away before any other portraits beg for her attention. Gwen hums thoughtfully, strolling leisurely into the Great Hall, "How is Harry?"

"He told you about the boggart?"

Gwen smiles slightly, "Vaguely. The portraits and a Slytherin that likes to gloat filled in the blanks." Her eyes cut sideways to the table full of children wearing green and black. Draco Malfoy's face turns pale when she finds him already looking her way. His brows furrow and his shoulders slump. The boy had not spoken to her directly since that first class, and yet he had a horrible habit of blabbing his mouth to anyone else about her godson. It should make her not like him, grade his essays and homework severely. It doesn't. She looks away, smile growing at the table full of humble Hufflepuffs, a few bashful ones waving her way. 

Remus nearly chokes when they pass the Ravenclaw table, the students surprisingly the bravest when it came to greeting the Veela Professor. The Gryffindor's were a close second, the Weasley Twins leading the songs of 'good morning.' Remus nearly smacks into her back when she stops short right in front of him without warning, "Bloody hell, Ninnie!" 

She peers over her shoulder, lifting a brow at his exasperated exclamation. Remus feels his own cheeks flush under her stare, far too aware of the slack-jawed students of his House. Gwen grins, a mischievous glint growing bright in her eye until he realizes she'd done it on purpose. "Apologies, Remus." 

Gwen had noted the way he'd looked at her in the corridor, the concern. It was too easy for her to pretend that it was nothing. Her smile feels heavy until she clears her throat. The reason for her sudden stop has yet to realize that Gwen is standing behind her. Ron glances up from his breakfast with wide eyes, elbowing Hermione sharply in the side. When the young witch begins to scold him, the Weasley boy just juts his chin over his shoulder. 

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