Chapter 47

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Gwen was back.

Harry knew it thanks to the portraits and ghosts. They were celebrating, overjoyed by the return of the Veela. And somehow, he was certain that even if the excited students and being didn't clue him in, the castle itself would have. It was different in her absence. It felt calmer now, steadier. Harry wanted to be excited. He wanted to share in the joy of the castle, to see the being that was supposedly his family.

And yet he couldn't. Even after he'd packed up his trunk and said goodbye to most of his friends, Harry couldn't face her. He'd seen her memories, he'd uncovered the truth. And he still couldn't go to the classroom he knew she was in.

Instead, he goes to one where he feels far more comfortable.

He rounds the desks, spying the trunk that held the boggart he'd practiced his patronus on so many times. The thought tightens his throat, reminding him of that tiny moment in time where he'd thought his father had saved him.

He hurriedly shakes his head and begins to climb up the stairs, pausing when he hears, "Hello, Harry."

He takes the next few steps two at a time, walking into Remus Lupin's office with confusion etched on his face. His questions melt away when he sees the werewolf Professor. His skin is pale, his hands shaky. Harry nearly flinches at the new scar down the side of the wizard's face, blending in with one's already tattooed on his skin.

Remus gestures towards the open Marauders Map on his desk, "I saw you coming." He pauses and adds gently, "And don't worry. I've looked far worse."

Harry nearly smiles at the teacher's words, but he's far too busy studying the open wardrobe and trunks, the drawers half open on the desk, the empty shelves. Harry blinks rapidly before he asks incredulously, "You've been sacked?!"

"No, actually," Remus chuckles, "I resigned."

"Resigned? Why?!"

Remus smiles, continuing his packing, "Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow the owls will start arriving and parents will not want a..." He pauses, smile fading slightly, "Someone like me teaching their children."

Harry shakes his head vehemently, "But Dumbledore—"

"Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf," Remus shrugs, "Besides....people like me are—let's just say I'm used to it by now."

His face looks accepting, far too calm in Harry's opinion. He should be outraged. He should fight it. Remus Lupin deserves to be here just like any other witch or wizard. Harry scowls as the werewolf Professor waves his wand and his trunks snap shut, papers filing into boxes and briefcases zipping.

"Why do you look so miserable, Harry?"

Harry shakes his head, staring at the window as he says tightly, "None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped."

Remus' brows furrow as he leans forward, "Didn't make any difference? Harry, it made all the difference in the world! You helped uncover the truth, you saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. My friend, Harry. You saved my friend. It made a great deal of difference."

Remus grunts as he lifts his briefcase from his desk, striding around it towards the door, "If I am proud of anything, it is how much you learned this year. Since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt in returning this to you."

Harry gladly accepts the open marauders map, staring down at the moving names. His eyes find the one he's been avoiding, and before he can stop it, he blurts out, "She lied."

Remus is silent for a moment and then he chuckles quietly, looking down at Gwen's name on the map. He turns to Harry, a wry smile on his face, "Yes. She did. It isn't the first time, Harry, and it won't be the last."

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