*a dream come true

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' y/n's pov '

my head rested comfortably on the chest of vinnies sleeping body. i had woken up about ten minutes ago, but i never found the energy to get up from bed, so i turned on the tv and let netflix choose a movie.

i watched the boring movie tiredly, i wasn't quite sure of what was happening because my eyes would shut every so often. each time i would start to drift off, some noise from the movie would go off and startle me, waking me back up.

suddenly vinnies heartbeat began to increase, the pulse was loud and echoed his whole body. soon after, his breathing picked up as well. i lifted my head and looked up at vinnie in concern. his eyebrows were furrowed and his forehead was decorated with sweat.

a small noise sounded from the back of his throat, i assumed he was having a bad dream. i placed a hand on his shoulder and shook him very gently.

"vinnie.." i called out to him in attempt to wake him up from the dream he was having.—

' vinnies pov '

"vinnie.." her angelic voice called out to me like music to my ears. i wanted her to say it again, and then again after that. i wanted that to be the only word in her vocabulary. i wanted to hear her pretty voice calling out to me for every hour in every day.

my hand slid around her throat as i kissed her lips sloppily, nibbling on her skin and dragging my tongue along the side of her jaw.

"yeah, say my name." i kissed all around her neck making sure to leave pretty, purple marks behind my lips as i go. with each thrust into her we both moaned.

she put her hand on my shoulder whenever my hips started moving at a quicker velocity. looking at her, listening to her, and feeling her around me was all entirely too much to handle.

my eyebrows furrow and my eyes squeeze shut. i kiss her sweet, soft lips and it only turns me on more that she struggles to kiss me back. i smile against her lips and tug on the bottom one with my teeth before resting my forehead against hers. our noses are pressed together and each time i slam inside of her our lips knock against each other.

we're now both moaning vocally against each other's lips. her hand starts to move against my shoulder. i think nothing of it until she starts to shake my shoulder harder.

"what're you.." i re-open my eyes and i'm met with the woman who was just underneath me moaning, now laying next to me instead with a concerning look on her face.

i'm struck. struck because it all felt so real, but also because i never got to finish and now i'm left with the worse morning wood ever imagined.

"are you okay?" her soft voice asks me sweetly. i clear my throat and look at her beautiful face. first just her eyes, then down at her lips. i continue to stare at her lips before exploring the rest of her pretty features.

"you were having a bad dream or something. you were sweating and breathing really hard, i started to get scared." she placed her hand on my chest and i smiled at her cuteness. i placed my hand on top of hers and shook my head.

i rested up on my forearms, my back slightly hovered off of the bed, "im fine. but, i wasn't having a bad dream."

"no? are you sure?" she tilts her head in confusion.

"im sure, baby. it was actually.. a really good dream." i smirk at her and play with the single ring on her index finger, sliding it up and down on her fingers while looking directly into her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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