*below the stars and under the sheets

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hey guys this is kinda long so be prepared, but it has smut so it may be worth it ;)


being here in this one house, with all of my friends could be depicted as something great. usually, yes. but there's always that one con that negates many pros.

and thats living with an isanely attractive guy, who dislikes me for some reason i don't know why. i don't ever remember doing anything to him, i just assume he doesn't like me as a person. maybe i'm the type of person he doesn't get along with.

i don't blame him for that, honestly. you're not going to love everyone you come across in life, my problem is; you don't have to be rude about it.

—i stood in the kitchen, mostly everyone who's going to be living here with us these next couple of months are in the kitchen as well. we decided we should move into a big house, and just have fun until summer is over.

i tried not to look at vinnie in fear of eye contact. but for some odd reason i found it hard.

his tall body leaned against the cabinet. he was dressed in a wife beater and cargo pants with a loose black button up hanging open. he stood next to alex, not really engaging in the conversation. his loose curls dangled in his face, making it hard to see his eyes with his head faced in a downward direction. the light embedded in the ceiling made his nose ring twinkle. he held the red solo cup in his hand, veins running along his tattooed hand and up to the start of his fingers decorated with silver rings.

i looked away, my focus caught by the guys clapping while singing something and laughing. i wasn't quite sure what they were singing or why, maybe if i were paying attention i'd know.

my eyes did another scan across the room to see if i were the only one not paying attention, but everyone was laughing along and smiling. well except for vinnie, who happened to be looking right at me when my eyes returned. i look away, but he doesn't. i shift against the edge of the counter nervously, feeling too watched.

somewhere in the moment, they decided we should go out to the pool. so that's where we migrated to. most of us had our swimsuits already on under our clothes.

i was sitting on the edge of the pool. i kicked the water with my feet as i watched the water droplets race down my leg, returning to the water of the pool.

my closest friend of the house, maddy, was swimming in the pool infront of me having the time of her life.

"just get in, is everything okay?" she asks, confused on why i'm sitting on the edge watching everyone swim.

"yeah, i'm fine," i thought of something to say, as i really wasn't sure of the real reason i didn't want to swim with them.

"if i get in, i just don't feel like taking a shower."

"you'll be fine, just come on." she begged, while grabbing my calf pretending to pull me in. i smiled at her.

"okay, fine. but only cause you asked me to." i told her as i lowered myself off of the pool wall, into the water.

the water rushed to my skin, covering it in goosebumps with the cold temperature of the pool. i moved my foot swiftly under water, feeling as the water moved around me. i lower myself even further. to the point where i was shoulder deep, trying to get used to the cold. the water chilled my back, i hoped i would adjust quickly.

𝘃,𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora