just friends

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' y/n's pov '

"vinnie, he's just my friend." i try to calm him down. he thinks my friend, jacob, likes me or whatever.

"that's bullshit. that might be what you think you two are, but i can fucking guarantee he has a whole lot of other shit on his mind." he raised his voice, it was almost like he didn't trust me.

i didn't like to argue with vinnie, but if he just won't let it go i cant help but tell him how much of an idiot he's being.

"how do you even know that? are you just assuming?" i crossed my arms against my chest, watching as he sat down on the couch bouncing his leg vigorously.

"i just do. i mean, fucking look at you." he cursed again while getting up and walking into the kitchen, where i was.

"well, that may be what you think is happening, but it's not." i mocked him and he clenched his jaw.

"i know it." he grabbed a glass from out of the cabinet, shutting it back afterwards. he walked over to the counter and poured a glass of some expensive brand liquor.

"i think you're over thinking it." i tried to ease the situation but that probably made it worse, and i should've known that.

he scoffed and laughed under his breath. "unbelievable." he shook his head once again before bringing the glass up to his lips.

he took a quick drink before speaking again, "you just don't understand it, that's it."

"yeah, you're completely right, vinnie. i don't understand." i start to get annoyed with his childishness.

"maybe i just don't understand how you guys think. maybe you're right, or maybe you're just insecure." i say to him before starting to walk off.

he grabbed my arm quickly to stop me, but not too hard.

"that's the whole point, you don't understand how guys think, but i do because i am one. and that's how i see it and you dont." his eyes looked angry and his breathing was unsteady. "and, i'm not fucking insecure. i'm not worried you'll choose him, it just bothers me that he thinks you will." his face was dangerously close to mine.

his hand was still around my arm and i jerked it off. "you don't know what you're talking about."

he smiled and tilted his head, "no, baby. that's you. you just can't get it into your pretty little head that not everyone just wants to be friends with you, and some of them are expecting more. and i'm sorry it has to be that way, but it just is."

my jaw dropped just slightly, "is that what you think of me? just some stupid, naive girl who doesn't understand anything?"

"no, i don't think you're stupid. i know you're smart and that's why it surprises me that this is even an argument." he looked at me in the eyes while taking another drink from his glass.

"this didn't have to be an argument, you could've just let it go."

"or, you could've just used you're sense and allowed yourself to really see how things are." i knew i was losing this argument, that's the exact reason he had that stupid, cocky, smug look on his face.

"fuck you." i swore before turning my back to him, looking for my bag.

"well, i've done that one." he says and i can practically hear the smirk he's wearing, even in serious situations like this he still has time for jokes.

i finally spot my bag on the floor and i walked over quickly to fetch it. "im leaving."

"you do that. learn the hard way. take as much time as you need to before coming back. but when you do, don't tell me how much it hurt when he tried to work out his little plan."

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