Chapter 23

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I don't know anything."

Lisa's eyelids were drooped, her entire being radiating fatigue and weariness.

Wrapped in the customary blue shirt worn by the Police, Lisa's petite frame resembled a fragile ice cream stick left in the ice cream packaging after one has polished off the entire ice cream.

Sat right opposite her were three police officers – Zheng Yi, Senior Yang, and Xiao Yao. Also present was a female lawyer who had just been appointed to protect Lisa.

"In other words, you do not have any impression of the suspect, do you?" Xiao Yao asked gently. After all, the person whom she was questioning was a frail, helpless girl who had just been through one of the worst scares in her life.

Lisa stared into empty space for a long time, quiet, and unmoving. She lowered her head slightly, and fixated her gaze onto the cold, concrete floor. Lisa rubbed her eyes stubbornly, and when she finally looked towards the officers, her eyes were bloodshot. "Am... am I at....fault?"

"That's not what I meant". Xiao Yao comforted Lisa immediately. Taking a quick glance at Senior Yang, Xiao Yao continued, "We suspect that the suspect has a habit of stalking and tailing his victims."

Lisa slumped into her chair, an expression of confusion etched on her face. It was as though the traumatic experience had inadvertently caused her reaction time to slow exponentially. After a long period of time,  Lisa opened her mouth and inquired, "Wh...Why?"

Xiao Yao paused. According to Senior Yang's analysis, the raincoat man was extremely cautious and meticulous, and appeared to have a good understanding of his victims before he perpetrated his crimes against them. And one of the easiest and most efficient methods of gaining a good understanding of strangers is to stalk them. However, it was not necessary to divulge such gritty details to the young girl.

"This is simply one of our numerous lines of inquiry." Xiao Yao finally said. "The suspect is likely to have stalked or tailed you previously, which is why we're asking whether you have any impression of the suspect."

"Can you recount the details of the incident once more?" Xiao Yao softened her voice as much as she could. "Don't be afraid, we've already managed to capture the suspect. He will definitely bear the punishment inflicted by the law."

Lisa fell into a momentary silence before slowly nodding her head.

Zheng Yi, who had been quietly observing  Lisa's and Xiao Yao's exchange the entire time, finally spoke up. "Take your time to recount the incident. There's no rush."

Lisa turned to look at Zheng Yi. His gaze, as usual, was unfathomable. She was unable to decipher his thoughts.

Lisa began to describe the entire incident once more. She was returning home from school when, all of a sudden, she was seized and thrown onto the perpetrator's motorcycle. He clamped his hands on her mouth, and brought her to the abandoned [factory]. There, he threw her onto his bed, and started tearing manically at her clothes. The police arrived shortly afterwards.

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