Chapter 18

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"Lichen is an amazing organism

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"Lichen is an amazing organism." Xiao Mi exclaimed to Lisa.

Lisa was cleaning her desk. As the graduation exams were slightly more than a week away, she began to clear her books from her desk.

"Don't you agree? Lichen can only be produced from algae living among the filaments of a fungus in a mutually symbiotic relationship – the algae produces food for the fungus by photosynthesis whilst the fungus gathers moisture and nutrients from the environment. If you separate the fungus and the algae, both would be unable to survive independently, and would eventually die."

Zeng Hao, who had originally been packing her bag, turned back on hearing Xiao Mi's words, "Xiao Mi, you have such plentiful and abundant feelings, it's really a pity that you didn't enter into a relationship when we're still young and schooling. Well, you still have a couple of days left – do you want to hop onto the train before it's too late?"

Xiao Mi kicked Zeng Hao's chair in protest, "There'd be better boys waiting in University."

"Not necessarily." Zeng Hao's eyes subtly shifted in another direction.

Xiao Mi noted the change in Zeng Hao's gaze, and laughed, "You've already set your sights on someone, haven't you?"

Zeng Hao didn't bother hiding her admiration, and admitted freely, "When the graduation examinations are finally over, I'm going to pursue Li Xiang."

"Ah! Then you should try to enter Beijing's universities as well!" As graduation neared, the impending separation began to loom over the students, and everyone began to fervently wish that there would be no lack of familiar faces in their new environments.

"Sure! I don't want to stay in this district anymore, I hate the people here." Zeng Hao replied. Regardless of whether it was the deceased Hu Xiao Die, her, or Chen Nian – the memories and images of the bullying they suffered, and the coldness and indifference of their classmates, remained vivid in her mind.

Zeng Hao: "When I'm in University, I'm going to learn how to dress myself properly and how to put on make up. I'm going to try to participate in more extracurricular activities and get to know a wider circle of friends."

Xiao Mi too, had great hopes for University, and turned to look at Lisa, "Lisa, when we're in University, you'd be the undisputed department belle."

Lisa raised her eyes lazily to look at Xiao Mi, "Because I would be the only girl in the Department of Mathematics or the Department of Physics?"

Zeng Hao burst out laughing, and pinched Lisa's face playfully, "You're such a dork!"

Lisa subtly turned her face away.

Xiao Mi couldn't contain her laughter either, "I take back my words – you're not going to be the Department belle, you'd be the School Belle! School Belle! — Nian, if you select an Engineering school, you'd have a ton of suitors. Have you ever thought about your ideal type?"

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