Chapter 13

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Together with you, I want to idle away the time,

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Together with you, I want to idle away the time,

Be it lowering our heads and watching the fish swim by,
Or walking away after leaving the tea cups on the table,
Ignoring the beautiful shadows they cast.
I even want to idle away the sunset,
Taking a casual stroll with you, killing the time
Till the stars gradually fill up the entire night sky.
I even want to idle away the time when the wind arrives,
Sitting quietly in the corridor, entranced,
Till the sorrowful clouds in your eyes
Have been blown away, out of the window
I have squandered by world, it has passed me by

Lisa sat quietly on the rooftop, basking in the warm glow of the setting sun. Her sweet voice filled the entire rooftop as she quietly recited various poems. Jungkook sat beside her as he concentrated on strumming his guitar.

The gentle breeze blew across the rooftop, playfully ruffling the numerous papers and the hair of the youths.

Having completed her recital, Lisa turned to look at Jungkook. Just then, Jungkook had succeeded in managing to strum a complicated stanza. Turning his head to gaze at her, he pronounced his verdict, "You improved." Lowering his head, he continued strumming his guitar, beginning to practise another stanza. As he wasn't entirely familiar with the stanza, he repeated the stanza several times.

The youths were busy practising.

The aroma of delicious food from the alley below wafted into the noses of the two youths. One could easily find the entire city's delicacies in the alley – Steamed pudding, fried beancurd skin, deep fried sesame rice cake, and sweet potato pastries.

Lisa expressed her amazement, "Before I met you, I never knew, that Xi Cheng had, such a place. Xiao Mi said, that the red bean bun, is the best red bean bun, she ever ate."

Jungkook turned to look at her.

Lisa explained, "Xiao Mi is, my deskmate."

Jungkook asked, "Will you two continue to be friends in the future?"

Lisa nodded her head in seriousness, "Yes."

"Why are you so confident? After graduation, everyone is bound to scatter, each pursuing his or her own dreams."

"Xiao Mi would also, come to Beijing. We promised to meet there."

Jungkook fell into a deep silence.

Suddenly realising the deeper meaning of her words, Lisa lowered her head dejectedly. Gradually, an irrepressible idea began to form in her head; the words rushed to the edge of her lips and she slowly opened her mouth. However, before the words could tumble out of her lips, the very thought of what she was contemplating frightened her, and she swallowed the words in a hurry.

Reigniting the conversation, she enquired, "Is this, your hometown?"

"No." Jungkook replied, "I'm not from Xi Cheng. My mum and I moved here when I was younger. After we arrived, she simply left me to fend for myself at the welfare centre."

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