Chapter 17

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Self-revision period

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Self-revision period.

The form teacher waltzed into the classroom, and rapped on the podium with his knuckles. The students raised their heads from their revision materials, and focused their attention on the form teacher. On successfully gathering the students' attention, the form teacher launched into a speech warning the students about protecting oneself and being wary of strangers.

"Especially female students," The form teacher cautioned, "Try not to go to places where there's very little people, and try not to linger around in empty parks and mountainous areas. If you must, go in a huge group – and try your best not to head out at night."

Curious, a student asked, "Did something happen?"

The form teacher reassured the class, "Nothing happened – but I thought it'd be good to warn the class about safety measures since the graduation exams are nearing." Having clarified the situation, the form teacher continued his lecture by reminding students about having clean eating habits and hygiene issues.

But the sensitive youths continued to scrutinise and analyse the form teacher's every word, and every emotion; when the form teacher left the classroom, the entire classroom began to buzz in excitement.

"Something happened. Something definitely happened."

"Did you notice the form teacher's tone? 'Especially female students.' – Ah, I bet it has something to do with that."

"What's 'that'?"

"Don't you know? I mentioned it before – the rapist who goes around committing sexual assaults in a huge raincoat! You guys brushed it off so easily before, surely you guys believe me now?"

"Oh—-" Understanding dawned on the various students.

Lisa wasn't concerned in the slightest, and placed a dried plum in her mouth. Zeng Hao, who was seated in front of Lisa, turned back and sprawled on Lisa's desk. Angling her head to keep Lisa in view, she signalled for Lisa to close the distance between them. Lisa shifted herself closer to Zeng Hao, as did Xiao Mi. When the three of them were sufficiently close, Zeng Hao blurted, "I think that there's a high possibility that the person our form teacher was referring to is Wei Cai."

Lisa and Xiao Mi were instantly shocked.

Zeng Hao contiued, "I'm sure of it. I'm not lying to you two – I'll even swear on my examination pass."

Th dried plum began to dissolve in Lisa's mouth, overwhelming Lisa's tastebuds with its sourness. Carefully, Lisa inquired, "What her?"

A look of hesitation flickered across Zeng Hao's face, as though she felt awkward about what she was going to say next. "She was first raped, then murdered."

Lisa: "......"

Xiao Mi exclaimed, "Are you sure about this? You're telling us this based off some rumours, aren't you?!"

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