Beloved (Anubis law)

Start from the beginning

"You came all the way here just to read stones that you don't know if you are worthy enough to read, you humans lack intelligence-"

"Don't insult me, if I lacked intelligence all the guards that you command wouldn't be giving in to primal desires to mate with there perfect human that I spent months to find for each damn one just to get this fare" fuck, fuck, fuck. I just yelled at an anubis, and not just fucking that. I'm glaring at him now and trying to make eye contact with one is a big no-no. I'm fucked, I'm done for, God damnit. Now that I already fucked up, might as well make a mental note of what I can see. Much like the other monsters, he looked to have the build of a human man, very muscled from the little that I can see under his cloak and wolf pelt. The head of the wolf was over his with the bottom jaw gone so it sat nicely on his head. His face was shrouded in darkness from the wolf head. He had the hands of a human with death on his knuckles, how comical.

His nails were more like sharp black claws on his fingertips as well as his toes that showed though his sandals. I though the two dog ears that stood straight up and had small gold hoops on each one were too the wolf pelt but when they twitched I figured they were his. I could make out the slight sway of his tail showing interest.

"That was you.. you sent them all here...thought it was the other one...impressive mortal" he tilted his head up slightly and cocked his head. All I could see were the sharpest wolf teeth pulled to a wide smile and his eyes.....those eyes....... eyes of beautiful........eyes that shimmer so bright. My breath left me as I gazed into his eyes. The sound of me dropping my bag made me snap out of the trance he had on me. I shook my head as I quickly picked my bag back up. He's casting his magic already, did I really piss him off, or has he already decided he want to toy with me before my death. He started to slowly walk around me as I felt his gaze run across my form.

"Mmmmmm, I think..... I'Il allow you to proceed......follow me darling" hang on, darling... you know what I'm not going to say anything cuz I don't want to diiiiiii........ the farther we walked we came across a woman with her flesh melted off her body, I could only tell from the clothes that it was her.

"Did she fail your trials?" He stopped at a door opening it before turning to me then looking at the mangled woman.

"You thought she was worthy of my trials, how adorable" he chuckled.

"Robin was the most intelligent and beautiful woman I ever knew. There was only a 10% chance of her not passing the trials." I spoke as I walked passed him and kind of ran up to the walls and scribbling down what they said. When a monster has layed claim to there chosen spouse, they will have their monsters marking

appear on their skin. Explains why my sent explorers looked slightly different. I pulled out my water and took off my coat as I continued to read. It's getting really damn hot. I didn't notice that my breathing picked up. The first of an anibises trials will leave you in fear or in wonder. Well that doesn't tell me much of anything at all.

Damnit why does my head feel fuzzy and my pussy feel irritated. The second trial of an Anubis will leave you feeling Poisoned or restless. I started to find it hard to get enough air in my lungs and started to pant like a bitch in heat... a bitch in heat....... wait a minute.

"I can't remember the last time I had a bride pass the first two trials" he husked against my ear making me drop my things and moan rolling my eyes due to his touch feeling electrifying.

"You are not deserving of such rags my beloved bride, let me take care of that for you." With a quick swipe of his claws I could barely register my clothes leaving my body.

"Beloved bride, your skin is so soft. I do hope you pass the final trial so I can lay claim to my wife" he nipped my ear making my legs start to shake as I leaned back on his chest with his hands exploring my naked body.

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