10. Hate Song

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"Yeah, you just hold on!"

I hear some shuffling on the phone, then the sweetest voice I love most in this world feels my eardrums.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hi baby," I say, instantly turning into the softest fucking human being on the planet. "Daddy missed you so much."

"I missed you too, daddy! I ask mommy about you all the time, but mommy says you're too busy to talk to me," Hailie says sadly, and I could just kill Kim. Damn this evil fucking bitch!

Instead, I say to my daughter:

"Well, mommy is right, baby. Daddy is busy a lot. But it's only because daddy is working hard for you baby. So that you could have everything."

"I know that daddy," she giggles. Thank God my 4 year old daughter has more sense than to believe the bullshit her mother is trying to feed her about me not caring about her. "But when are you coming home?"

"Soon, baby," I swear to God, I feel like crying like a fucking bitch right now. "Real soon."

"It's ok, daddy. Mommy is busy a lot too."

"Oh yeah?" I hate using my own daughter to spy on Kim, but right now I simply can't help it. "What makes you say that, baby? What's mommy doing?"

"Mommy's been going out a lot. Aunty Dawn watches me. But it's nice. I get to spend time with Alaina..."

And just like that, Kim snatches the phone away from her, but it's too late. I've already heard enough, and I'm fuming. First of all, Kim really had her damn coke head of a sister watching my daughter while she goes out and does God knows what?! And two, see how much of a hypocrite this bitch is? She out here bitching and moaning about what I do, but the whole time she's doing her own thing too. And you might say, Marshall, just cause she's going out doesn't mean she's doing anything, she doesn't have to stay locked in the house, just cause I'm not there. But I know Kim. She doesn't go out just to have fun with her girlfriends at some club or something. The only time this slut leaves the house is to look for some dick.

"What'd you take the phone away from Hailie, Kim?" I ask in a hostile voice. "Afraid she's gonna unknowingly tell on you?"

"She ain't got nothing to tell on me, Marshall. "

"See, how you lie all the time? Fuck, at least I can admit on what I'm doing. You really think I don't know, huh? You don't think I know that the same day I left on tour you had some dude in my house, fucking you in my bed?"

"Who told you that, Marshall? They lie!!"

"No, bitch, you lie. I've got eyes everywhere, you stupid bitch. So don't you dare ask me shit about who I'm fucking on tour. And anyway Kim, I gotta go," I hang up in her ear.

Only to see Melody's big brown eyes staring at me. And I immediately feel pissed.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Um... not long," she says sheepishly, lowering her eyes. "I haven't heard... much."

"Like hell you didn't."

I walk up to her and grab her jaw roughly, forcing her to look at me.

"Forget everything you just heard, you hear me? I don't want you saying shit to me about it. You got that?"

She nodded, looking kind of scared of me at this moment, and I almost feel bad so I kiss her.

"Good. Now I gotta go. I'm flying out to the studio in LA real quick, but I'll be back tonight. I gave to do another show here in Philly tonight."

Spend Some Time (Eminem Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora