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Eren's POV

"I know my friends are really annoying and I know you and Mikasa are not on good terms, but I know everyone else really does like you Levi." I smiled at the raven who was sitting on our bed.

He seemed down once again which made me stop smiling. I walked over to him and sat down. "What's wrong now?"

He stayed quiet and looked away from my gaze.

"Don't tell me your scared again." I groaned and turned his head to me. "Stop it Levi. I get it your scared of getting caught but trust me, I've been doing this for so long, we won't get caught. Can you please just trust me?"

"But... I can't. I'm just thinking about if you get caught what will I do? I'll feel lost and lonely..." He mumbled. "If I get caught with you I won't feel happy either."

"Levi. I'm telling you. We won't get caught!"

"I can't trust you okay?!"

"So what the hell do you want me to do?!" I grabbed his neck and made him face me completely.

He stared at me with tears in his eyes. I didn't budge though. I don't feel sympathy when I get mad and I need to work on that when it comes to Levi...

"S-Stop killing people!" He choked out.

I let go of his neck and stared into his eyes. "I can't do that. I'm in a gang Levi. I need to be there."

"Well stop this gang shit!" He folded his arms.

"It doesn't work like that I told you!" I glared at him. "I'm telling you I can't."

"I CAN HELP YOU EREN! Please! Just leave it."

"IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT." I yelled making him flinch.

"Okay then. If you can't then I'm leaving! I'm not gonna fucking lose my life for you. And I'm definitely not gonna be fucking depressed when you get caught." He stood up and began to walk off.

I watched as he swung open the door. I clenched my fists. I was pissed. But for some reason... I wanted to keep him.

I stood up and grabbed his arm swiftly.

"Okay." I spoke quietly. "I'll stop this gang shit." I mumbled.

"R-Really?" He asked, those tears were gone and his eyes lightened up.

"Yeah." I smiled slightly at him.

He hugged me and sighed heavily. "I feel relieved now..."

"Me too." I lied.


"What the fuck!" Hanji threw her hands up in the air. "You can't just leave Eren!"

"I'm sorry. I have to."

"Is it because of that fucking shorty?!" Mikasa asked. "I knew he was no good."

"He is good. He's an angel who wanted to protect the devil."

"Cringe." Connie and Jean both said making them chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms opening my legs up wide like usual.

"He wanted to protect me Mikasa. He doesn't want to see me get caught and he doesn't want to get caught either."

"I don't care! Delete him from your life Eren. We need you!" Mikasa said as she folded her arms. "I'll kill him if that's what you need me to fucking do."

"No." I glare at her.

"Yeah no way Mikasa. I actually think that Eren can leave for his soulmate." I rolled my eyes when Hanji finished her sentences. Not that it wasn't true...

"I like Levi." Erwin spoke. "I think he's actually good for Eren. And it's none of our business if he wants to leave. That doesn't mean we can't be in contact with him, right Eren?"

"Right. I'll still come over and talk to you guys. That's not gonna change." I unfolded my arms. "You guys are basically my family. There's no way I'll just stop talking to you guys."

"What if Levi makes you stop talking to us?!" Mikasa shouted slightly.

"There's no way he would do that to Eren. He knows that we're his family." Connie nodded towards me.

I nodded back at him. "But Mikasa. If that were to happen... I would tell him that I couldn't."

"What if he threatens to do something bad? Like call the police?"

"Mikasa I'm telling you. He's not going to do any of that."

"Fine." She folded her arms and sat back in her seat.

"Well. If that's it... Who's gonna be our boss now?" Jean asked.

"Armin and Erwin are your new bosses. If you don't like it you can kiss my ass and their ass." I stood up.

Armin and Erwin both smirked at eachother. Cute. "We have no complaints actually, I believe that they are good at giving us orders and fighting."

"Yep." Erwin and Armin both said.

Everyone looked at Mikasa. "Do you have objections?"

"Of course not. Armin is my bestfriend theres no way I could be mad at the choices you picked. Armin is also good at giving us locations."

We left it like that and talked some more before I felt like it was time for me to go back home to Levi.


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