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Levi's POV

I was pushed out of the room when I had called for any doctor to help Eren. He was twitching repeatedly and shaking nonstop.

I cried as I paced back and forth wanting to know what happened to him. He quickly sat down when Lilly came out.

"What's wrong with him?!" He asked trying to sound as calm as possibly but it didn't work.

"I'm sorry Levi. But like I told you, he's dealing with bad nightmares... If he can't fight them... He will die." She mumbled actually feeling sorry for Eren.

I covered my face. "I'm trying to help him, I really am. But it's not working..."

"Try harder!" She encouraged me.

The other doctors walked out pulling Lilly away from me. They talked for a moment and they all nodded before going back to me.

"His breathing is back to normal, he's fine now. Let's not get to happy though as he is looking paler than before. Try to feed him some water when he twitches. It's hard but he still swallows okay?" The guy spoke.

I nodded slightly before they allowed me to go back inside. I sat besides Eren, closer than before and kissed Eren's cheek repeatedly.

"Fight Eren... Fight!"


Another week has passed. I was with Eren's gang in Eren's room. Mikasa was sad that Eren still hadn't woken up. They also all got a full experience of Eren twitching and having problems.

I whispered into Eren's ear trying to calm him down. I also gave him water which helped him slightly.

"Good job Levi. You know what your doing." Erwin nodded at me. I nodded slightly not wanting to really take the props. I just wanted him to get better.

I kissed his cheek while the others talked. I blinded them out not wanting to speak to them as much. I just wanted Eren to be awake...

"Wake up dammit..." I said quietly. I felt tears prickle my eyes. They fell down on Eren's cold hand. "Wake up!" I said a little louder and everyone got quiet looking at me.

I finally let it all out and cried. I laid my head on his chest and immediately everyone but Mikasa hugged me tightly and tried to calm me down. But I couldn't...

I kept crying waiting for Eren to magically open his beautiful bright eyes that held pain I've noticed before.

Oh Eren... Why are you hurting so much? What is causing these dreams?


The next day everyone was still here. They never went to sleep for some reason but they told me they never rarely sleep anyway.

Me on the other hand I had insomnia and really bad anxiety now so it was hard for me to sleep.

Eren's hand twitched and I quickly whisper sweet things into his ear. I kissed his cheek and mumbled, "I love you... Fight these stupid dreams Eren! You can do it... Kill them from your mind. Be free at once."

He twitched again and I looked at his face to see tears dropping from his eyes that were still closed. Everyone noticed it.

"That's new isn't it?" Armin asked while Sasha and Connie went to go get a doctor.

I nodded before the doctors came in. They told us to get out but I quickly kissed Eren's wet cheek before letting go of his hand. But as I walked, I was pulled back down to my seat.

I looked down to see Eren holding my arm tightly. His eyes were closed though, almost as he wanted to pry them open. I cried right there. He was fighting so hard and it made me really happy.

"Sir I'm going to need you to get out." A women spoke.

I tried to stand up again but he pulled me down. His hand twitched again sending shivers in my arms.

"He doesn't want you to go." Lilly said glancing at me after tapping on a needle. "Levi." She spoke. I stared at her as a response. "He's fighting for you." She said quietly but I knew she was trying to hide back a smile.

Slowly I smiled down at Eren. I whispered, "Okay... I won't leave my love..."


It was a one time thing I supposed. Eren went back to having real bad problems and he wouldn't grab my hand anymore.

I was starting to get really drained. But I wasn't mad, I was just sad. I wanted him to wake his ass up...

They told me that Eren was actually doing better though it didn't seem like it.

There was a time I laid in bed with Eren and cuddled him. I almost felt like he opened his eyes and looked at me, but I must've been seeing things. His eyes were closed in a flash...

Now I was trying to give Eren some water to calm him down. I was whispering sweet things to him. Hanji and Erwin had came back by themselves and gave me some clothes which was actually really nice of them.

Hanji also told me and Erwin to get out, I didn't want to but I agreed. We waited and waited until the door opened up. "That should do it." She said before smiling at me and Erwin.

"Huh?" I raised and eyebrow. "What did you do."

"You'll see." She smirked before running off.

"Dammit Hanji." Erwin mumbled and ran off with her. I frowned before quickly walking into Eren's room. I shut the door and looked down at him. Hm...

What did Hanji do to him?

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