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After his little comment I was a blushing mess for no reason... Everything he did made me blush.

Like when he gave me my breakfast, took a shower with me, got ready with me, sat next to me, EVEN TOLD ME ABOUT HIS FUCKING KILLING SPREE WHICH MADE ME BLUSH.. Damn you Eren.

As of now I was on the couch and Eren was on the floor again writing in his little death book.

"Did you ever kill Reiner?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. When I threw the knife idiot." He said glancing at me from his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at his tone before kicking my feet on his shoulders. He chuckled slightly. "Your cute. But get your feet off me." His voice went back to stern.

"No." I teased but also had a stern voice.

"Now." He turned his head and hit my toes. I giggled before moving my toes to his head. "Stop!" He moved up and back down.

I laughed before actually moving my feet. He stood up and glared at me. "Don't do that nasty shit again."

"Nasty? I'm not nasty and it was a joke. My feet are clean and smell fucking good, you can taste my toes and it wouldn't taste salty like your fucking feet." I spat getting annoyed that he couldn't take a fucking joke.

I don't even like jokes but this wasn't even bad. He just had an attitude for no reason.

Soon I was catching my breath when I realized Eren was choking me. I grabbed his arms and tried to get him to stop.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" He spat right in my face.

"S-Stop it!" I said as loudly as I can.

He choked me harder making me really gasp for air. I kicked my feet to push him off before grabbing my own neck to try and calm me down.

I stared at him with wide eyes probably looking like a fucking idiot.

He glared down at me before walking off like nothing happened.

I catched my breath finally and felt something wet slide down my cheek. Oh no... I wipe my cheeks then my eyes to stop myself from crying.

Damn. I hate crying..

I stayed in my position my legs still wide open and my eyes widened in horror. I slowly stood up before jogging to the door to get the fuck out of there.

I knew it. He was not someone to love.


It was just like how I ran away from my parents. I ran far and far into the city. I looked all around me and sighed heavily.

I walked my way to my house. I open the door and quickly shut it and lock it. I felt my breathing feel heavy again.

I quickly run over to the guitar before playing a guitar piece.

Start music:

I began to play the soft music thinking about when my life was better than it was. I was crappy at this but it wasn't too shabby...

'MOMMY LOOK GUITAR!' I ran over to it and grabbed onto a pretty brown one. My mom pulled me back and scolded me. "But I want one..." I said quietly.

"Fine. Maybe next year for your birthday yeah? Mommy is a little broke right now."

My eyes lightened up. I hugged her leg and she picked me up.

"MOMMY MOMMY ITS MY BIRTHDAY! DID I GET A GU-" A loud sound was made in the room. My head was turned and faced down.


I cried that day. Every single hour, any chance I got, I cried and cried. I didn't care about the guitar at that time. I cried because my own mother slapped me with no care in the world.

She didn't get me nothing. Fine. You don't have to get me shit. But a happy birthday would've been nice. But... I'll be fine mom.. Because you are my mother who took care of me when dad wasn't around yet.

I always will be fine. I miss the old you mom. Dad... You've always been a piece of shit.

Mom... Go back to being the soft mother I loved... Come find me when your ready.

I closed my eyes finished the last part of the music piece and set the guitar down. I smiled to myself slightly, I thought I did pretty good for someone who doesn't do guitar as much as they wanted to.

Music over:

The door busted down open. I jumped up and my heart was racing. Then Eren stood there. Ontop of the door.

He walked in and came towards me. I quickly ran off somewhere in the house. Shit... He's gonna kill me for leaving...

No no no!

I opened up a window and tried to get out but I was pulled back before I could even get my head out the window.

"N-NO!" I kicked and tried to push him away. "S-STOP IT!" I yelled.

He let go of me before closing the window. "I came here.." He breathed out making me look up at him. "To apologize for hurting you. I was angry for no reason... Just over a simple joke you did. I'm sorry... I really am. Please forgive me."

I stared at him before slowing standing up. I slapped him before hugging him slightly. He hugged me back completely ignoring my unuseful slap.

I knew my slaps didn't hurt him at all.

I smiled slightly when a good whiff of his scent ran up my nose. "Y-You smell good." I mumbled in his neck.

"I can say the same to you." He pulled his head back and winked at me. I smiled before he picked me up. "Now. Let's talk about some rules you can do and cannot do. No leaving the house without my permission. Got it?"

I nodded at him before we walked past the guitar. "Wait! The guitar please!"

He rolled his eyes and went back for guitar. "We will come back for your clothing later." I nodded again and held onto him while he held me and the guitar.

I don't know. Was this weird that I was falling inlove with a criminal... I possibly was also starting to forgive him to easily. Was it his tone...? His body language...? Or was it his genuine speeches...?

That's something I have to figure out if I'm going to live with him..

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