Chapter 22: Even more negotiations

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The survivor continued to flee the undead. However, from above he can be seen visibly coughing. After a while, the man just dropped unconscious.

"Scratch that, the mist is poisonous as well." Eduard reported. "The survivor just dropped unconscious, presumably dead," Eduard reported, watching the situation unfold.

All the time, Louis was busy creating magic photographs. Using low level powers of telepathy, he proceeds to transmit and print what he is seeing onto pieces of paper that are treated with special chemicals. Photographs were taken on various sections of the town.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 10, 1640

Fort Norath, Empire of Parpaldia

Colonel Bonnot looked at the photos from the town of Vourle taken from the sky. From what he could tell, most of not all the population in the town had been reduced to these shambling corpses, which is not ideal. Due to the population being completely dead, using naphtha on the city would do the job. Even a few recon planes could start fires all across the town by dropping small grenades filled with them, burning everything down.

If only my job was THAT easy, Bonnot thought. The higher-ups had ordered against such moves. Apparently when the reports came in, some of the higher-ups thought it would be some sort of bioweapon they could use. Unfortunately, that meant NOT burning the town down, which meant that that area would remain a danger zone.

Bonnnot summons Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet. There is only one order he can give, especially if the town is now a breeding ground for new bioweapons.

Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet enters and salutes the Colonel.

"Lieutenant-Colonel Chuquet, ordered the troops to form a perimeter around the town of Vourle. Everything within 3 kilometers from the town is now a restricted area. Don't let anything into or out of Vourle," Colonel Bonnot ordered after saluting the Lieutenant-Colonel.

Chuquet was a little hesitant. It is almost unheard of for the Parpaldians to lock down a city like this. Bonnot could read the hesitance all over Chuquet's face.

"Listen, I too do not like to give this order. But if anyone gets in, it's pretty much a death sentence for them. And if any of those shambling corpses get out, well…let's just hope they can't spread whatever they're carrying. That's too risky. Do you understand me?" Bonnot said.

"'Understood, sir,'" Chuquet said.

"Good, now give the order."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Central Calendar April 11, 1640

Airspace near Otaheit, Kingdom of Mu

In the cloudless blue sky above Otaheit, a large, gray aircraft with 6 contra-rotating propellers soared. The appearance of this particular aircraft was extremely similar to the Guti Maun ultra long-range heavy bomber. However, there are a few key differences: the aircraft had more windows and only two 20mm guns instead of the usual four. Indeed, this was NOT the Guti Maun ultra long range bomber, but rather a passenger plane, the VIP variant anyway, built with the same parts as the Guti Maun. This particular one had a much more luxurious interior, for it is built to carry state officials.

Onboard this plane, callsign "Gra Valkas - 1", was First Minister Taras, Hamidall(Minister of Science and Technology), Cielia Oudwin(Director of the Foreign Affairs) and Shibata Yoshiro(Minister of Trade).

"Quite interesting that the Muish people  are willing to invite us for some state visit," First Minister Taras said, looking out of the window. The pressurized cabin was too silent, save for the engine noises outside.

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