Chapter 19-Before It's Too Late

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Justin's P.O.V

" Je vous aime vraiment, vraiment" I said looking her straight in the eyes (I really really like you).

" pas d'attente, Je t'aime" I said smiling (No wait , I love you).

"What?" She asked dumbfounded.

" la deuxième, je pose mes yeux sur vous, je me suis dit 'putain cette fille est magnifique' " I said holding back the urge to laugh as I saw her frown her eyebrows in the cutest way ever. (The second I laid my eyes on you , I was like 'damn this girl is gorgeous')

"Justin , What the hell are you saying? "She spat glaring at me.

" tout ce qui vous fait juste moi vous aimer encore plus" I said holding her hands tightly (Everything about you just makes me love you even more).

"Yeah , I know that movie. It was amazing" Jessie said randomly smiling widely.

I bet she doesn't even understand a word I was saying.

" vous me faites tellement heureux et je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec vous" (You make me so happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you).

"Yeah , I know that the ending was so expected but , It was still an amazing movie" she said dramatically.

" tu es incroyable" I said grinning at her (You're amazing).

"I know right? " She said giggling making me chuckle. She's so freaking cute. Does she even understand a word I was saying?

" vous êtes fou, mais ce est pourquoi Je t'aime" (You're crazy but that's why I love you).

"I know it was crazy. I mean who would've thought that it was him all along?" She said throwing her hands in the air making me to crack up.

"Jessie , What are you talking about?" I managed to choke out between my fit of laughter.

"I don't know. You were saying these stuff that I didn't understand so , I decided to not look like a fool and just talk about anything" She said shrugging making me laugh even harder.

"So , What were you saying anyways? " She asked raising her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

I stood up from my seat and offered her my hand to take. She took it with no hesitation and then I pulled her up.

"What I was saying is..." I said cupping her cheeks with my both hands.

"I love you , Jessie" I said and with no more hesitation I leaned in and kissed her soft lips.

I can tell that she was shocked as she didn't kiss back. But , Just a few seconds later , She kissed back wrapping her hands around my neck as I wrapped my hands around her waist. I pulled her even closer not wanting to ever let her go.

I can't even put down in words how this kiss felt like. I don't want to sound corny and all but ,It felt amazing. No , That's an understatement. It felt so...Ugh! What's the right word?

Heart melting? Breathtaking? Magical? I could've sworn that I saw sparks. I can't even describe this properly. I should probably shut the fudge up and savor this moment.

We pulled away after what felt like forever and I rested my forehead on hers. We were both breathing heavily while trying to catch our breath.

"Justin , I may not know french but I don't think all what you've just said was just ' I love you' " She said raising an eyebrow at me.

"You and your smart mouth" I joked rolling my eyes.

"No really , What were you on about?" She asked pouting with those puppy dog eyes that she knows damn well that I'm a sucker for.

Love And Guns-Jelena ✔Where stories live. Discover now