Chapter 14-Relax.Focus.Shoot

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Read the note at the end please. It's really important and thanks for taking the time to read this chapter :)

"And what would that be?" He asked smirking.

"I'm gonna teach you how to..." I said seductively and trailed my finger on his chest.

"Use a gun" I whispered in his ears and then burst out laughing.

You should've seen his reaction. He looked like he was hoping for something else. And when I trailed my finger on his chest , He gulped nervously and blushed. Awww , He's so cute and adorable when he blushes.

"R-Really? "He asked still recovering from what just happened.

I nodded my head at him with a smile on my face. We went back to the hotel and he took a shower and then we walked out of the hotel to find Antonio waiting for us outside of the hotel. He had to go to do something before he takes us to that place where I was gonna teach Justin how to use a gun. I didn't actually ask him where he was going as I felt it was none of my business.

I'm a curious person but , There are just these things that I don't really care about. And this was one of those things. I told Jonny and Kenny that they didn't need to come with us and that everything was gonna be okay. They protested at first but when I told them that Antonio was coming with us and that I was capable of taking care of us , They finally agreed.

They only agreed because Antonio was coming with us. Ugh! Am I not capable enough of taking care of Justin and myself?! Did they really forget that I was the best agent the agency has? I shook my head in frustration and then hopped in Antonio's car.

Justin was sitting gunshot while Antonio was driving us to wherever that place I was gonna teach Justin how to use a gun was. We were there in a matter of minutes , It actually wasn't that far away. We hopped out of the car and Antonio locked it.

We started walking towards this old warehouse. Antonio told me that they caught a gang here before that was doing illegal things. And since they were caught this place was deserted. And so , Antonio decided to take advantage of this place and train in it.

We got inside and Antonio sat on a chair. Justin was standing in the middle of the place looking around in awe. I walked from behind him and then took out my gun from the back of my pants and stretched my hand pointing it infront of me.

"You gotta hold it like this" I said showing him how to hold it.

"You can't shoot anyone who's not a threat to you" I said looking at him to make sure that he understood what I was saying.

He just rolled his eyes and snatched the gun out of my hand. He held it just like the way I was holding it. He learns fast , I should give him that. I walked infront of him and got some cans that were on the floor and put them on a table that was right in front of Justin.

"Now shoot these cans" I said standing aside with my arms crossed over my chest.

He started shooting them but never hit the target once. He was getting frustrated and so , I walked towards him and took the gun out of his hands.

"Three words to hit a target" I said looking at Justin then at Antonio who was still sitting on a chair watching us.

"Relax .Focus .Shoot" we said together and then I shot the cans hitting the target. The cans had now a hole in the middle of them.

"Woah" was all that Justin said.

And before I can say anything the gun was...once again...snatched out of my hands. I put another cans on the table and stood aside looking at the cans. Justin shot them but didn't hit any of them.

Love And Guns-Jelena ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora