Chapter 2-You're A Cocky Bastard! And You're A Stupid Bitch!

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"It's...They're threatening him , My mission is not to only know who are them but to also protect him" I explained.

"Woah , Woah , Who are them? And who's him?" Dylan asked dumbfounded.

"Well , I don't know who they are , My mission is to know who are them and stop them. And for him..." I said and he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to explain further.

"Justin Bieber" I said through gritted teeth.

"Why would anyone threat him? Isn't he a pop star? Besides , Maybe the people who are threatening him are just haters , You know? " Dylan asked.

"It's written here that the threats have been going on for almost a year now. That was what they thought at first but , Then Scooter called the police thinking that it was some kind of a sick joke" I said.

"But , When they saw the threats they knew that it was anything but a sick joke" I added.

"How did they know that?" Dylan asked.

I sighed "They looked exactly like the same threats that my dad was receiving before he killed him" I said sadly.

"Maybe this mission will help you find him" Dylan tried to lighten up my mood.

"Maybe" I said with a small smile but , Dylan quickly knew that it was a fake one.

"Hey , It's gonna be okay" he said and embraced me in a comforting hug.

"I'm gonna work on your case to find him until you finish this new mission , Ok?" He said.

"But , The case is already closed , John won't let you work on it" I said.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him , Right?" Dylan asked and that just made me smile a real smile.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked.

"Of course , You're my best friend , Jessie , I'd do anything for you" Dylan pulled away and grinned at me.

"I don't know what would've I done without you" I said shaking my head slightly.

"Probably be miserable" he said smugly with a smirk.

"Hey" I whined and slapped him across his chest.

"What? it's the truth" he said innocently.

"I know" I whispered but , I'm sure that he heard me because the smirk he had turned into a full grin.

Right now me and Dylan were in his car driving back to my house. Which is Diego's if you want to be specific. Before that we left John came to my office and told me more details about this new mission.

I frowned my eyebrows with my arms crossed over my chest as I remembered what he has told me. I'm gonna go undercover. Well , That wasn't the part that was bothering me. I always went undercover in my previous missions.

What bothered me was that I had to pretend that I was Justin's girlfriend. The whole world needs to believe that I was his girlfriend. Even his family. Only him and Scooter know that I'm an FBI agent.

I needed to go undercover so the person who was threatening him or the people won't know that there's someone looking for them. If they knew about who I really am , They're gonna be more cautious and sneaky.

Besides , I needed a reason in front of his fans as to why I was always around him. They would freak out if they knew that he was in great danger. No one knows that he's in real danger except for the FBI ,Not even Scooter nor him know that it's really serious.

Why were we heading to Diego's? Well , I need to pack a suitcase because apparently I'm gonna be living with Justin. I protested alot of times but , John always told me that if I really wanted to protect him and know who are threatening him , I need to be close to him.

Love And Guns-Jelena ✔Where stories live. Discover now